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Posts posted by muddlez

  1. (This requires some fast moving) Basic Strategy

    Place spike strips at both main entrances to the park. This stops 2 of the bomb cars from getting in. I used the helicopter to do this.

    The Van was used to go up into the park and arrest the shooter on the right side. (Near the logs.)

    Go in the in for the witness, then send him to the van. If your officer stays close to the house he wont be shot. Place both in the van then get them to safety.

    While the van is coming down the mountain, send for fire units. (4 Water tenders, 2 water browsers, and 1 equipment truck all with full crews.)


    When the bomb explodes in the north side of the park, IMMEDIATELY send the Canadair Plane in for a water drop. If it doesn't put out the fire it will buy you some time while you deploy your forces.

    When the fire crews arrive, send 2 tenders to each side of town nearest the fire. Send the equipment truck and 1 browser to the back of the house near where the fire is. Equip them with chainsaws and begin to cut down the trees in the woods around the house. Take 3 of your men and equip them with hoses and connect to the browser. The browser must be directly behind the house. The firefighters with the hoses will defend the house from fire. Keep the second Browser ready because it will be a "quick response unit" if some fires cross the road.

    Clear all of the trees away if you can, clear the logs so the vehicles can move to the fire line if they are needed.

    The trucks will respond to fires that jump the road to start other fires. It's best to see where the sparks are going and just COOL those trees. The fire won't spread if you do this. There will be 4 spots where this will take place.

    Basically, you're going to let the fires burn themselves out. Watch for spot fires and most importantly, protect the houses.

    If you cut down the trees, this should be no problem.

    After the fires are out, send firefighters up to get the bodies.

    ****SPOILER**** Highlight below to read

    If you didn't kill or arrest the first shooter, he will plant a bomb that will start more fires. You MUST deal with him.

    ****/END OF SPOILER****

    You may need to try this a few times, but it worked for me.

    Good Luck


    thanks man i beat the mission first try :D

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