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Everything posted by Eggestone

  1. Generally in a lobby people agree what they are going to do. One person will be the medic (often called RD after the German "Rettungsdienst" which means ambulance service). Another will take charge of the police and tecnical support services. The other two are FW Nord (Fire Brigade/Department Nord) and FW Süd (South). It works in that only one person can deploy a vehice at a time and they have 50 seconds to do it in. If they don'y wish to deploy a vehicle they click Continue (Weiter) and another player has a chance to deploy a vehicle. They are limited numbers of vehicles that can be bought so you have to be able to be conservative with how many vehicles you buy. Unfortunately there are a number of d*** heads who deploy snipers and shoot at other players' stuff which ruins the game, as well as people who just randomly leave in the middle of something.
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