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Everything posted by CultziBolzi

  1. Hehee :D Well this went pretty much off topic
  2. Lol. well first of all i was being sarcastic. -.- Second, heyjoojoo, This is Mods section, not modding help, there is modding help section where to post this kind of stuff.
  3. New Update(s)!!! Espoo 12 Fire Truck Scania 94G Espoo 51 Fire Truck Lights! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t386LOIu3l4&feature=channel_video_title The Real Vehicles Thanks To Xandarb! Espoo 293 Espoo 21 Ex Espoo 194, Im going to include that , because old ones are cool And remember To Check my YouTube too! Please Subscripe!! if you want the latest news http://www.youtube.c...zi?feature=mhum
  4. oh nice mod look foward. Why here? theres modding and mod help section too.
  5. Thank you! Im not a super scripter, so im not sure about the scripts for now. But i have thinked that the mod would be as realistic as possible in fire department / EMS someday. Like simulator.
  6. The old topic is going to be locked / removed (i pmd stan) Hope all of you are happy ^^ : D Oh yeah, and the units. ESPOO 51 Fire Engine
  7. Nope, Me and OfficerMax are making it.


  8. hahaha. Im making 2 mods, so how can you say that i have closed "at least 2 mods" . Please read before you post, because, I MADE THIS NEW TOPIC BECAUSE OLD TOPIC STOPPED SUPPORTING IMAGES! READ FOR GOD SAKE! And the turku mod. Im still making it. i have never said its closed PLUS. There are like 4 NY Mods and plenty of german mods. And yes, i am helping other mods. Thank you.
  9. Oh cmon, im still editing this, your all hunting for new topics Im posting them now, you see, I did this topic because the old one stopped supporting pics
  10. Units: ESPOO 51 Fire Engine Espoo 12 Fire Truck Scania 94G Helsinki 191 Ambulance Espoo 3 Model by david skin by me! Espoo 590 Ambulance Integraded lights Espoo 51 Fire Truck Lights! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t386LOIu3l4&feature=channel_video_title Helsinki 191 Ambulance Lights! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rfv_2CfdMk More vids http://www.youtube.c...zi?feature=mhum The Real Vehicles Thanks To Xandarb! Espoo 293 Espoo 21 Ex Espoo 194, Im going to include that , because old ones are cool Fan banner! [URL=http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/14683-emergency-finland-espoo-city-mod/][img=http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/8871/signaturefan.png][/URL] (i made new topic because the old one didnt support pictures for some reason)
  11. Im going to make new one for you, this on is dead.
  12. CultziBolzi


    Its good but the smoothing errors should be fixed.
  13. DDS isnt only emergency 4 file, its international image file like PNG or JPG. Emergency could have any image file as texture file, but the dds is more "unknow". (Battlefield 2 uses .dds too.) The texture file, has to be in the same folder where the model is, and if the texture shows only white, check that you have edited the .v3o file. (like if you have changed texture format etc) It should be default if you edited / applied the texture with zmodeler.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t386LOIu3l4 its the lights of Espoo 51. thanks for Sime112's help hesYouTube (Hes a photographer)
  15. It doesnt matter what format the texture file is. it can be, dds, png, bmp, jpg, - whatever. you can also edit model file with notepad/wordpad and edit the texture name, if you have problems.
  16. *If you study game programming / 3D modelling.
  17. Public thought, bechause IM not responsible about Turku mod. my friend keeps it alive. He is making the new t11, and i think turku will be downloadable soon.
  18. Im banning you bechause you support New york mods
  19. Yay the Espoo 51 Fire engine finished, i like it. C:
  20. Basicly, your saying that your gona steal other peoples models?
  21. Person models always look like that when you import them to zmodeler, when you export them back, the persons will look normal in editor.
  22. darn! you may know that i am not from uk or usa , so i dont know how "powerful" they are(im also bad speaking english). and your right, i have said too much bad stuff here so i should just shut up with my stupid things. Sorry.
  23. Are you being sarcastic or what foleby? sounded like you are...
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