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  1. Resolved thanks to EmC-Unit.... While it was clean your reply got me thinking about whether unistall was deleting everything. So I uninstalled and then delted the Wizard Works folder and reinstalled everything. Whatever was causing it to crash must've been in those left over files cause it now work. Thanks again!
  2. I am running a clean mod with no others. I also deleted that one out of the Mods folder and redownloaded and installed it to no avail. Here's something else I found though since I posted the original message. For one my old game saves are still popping up in the load game menu. Where do I need to go to delete them? Maybe that would help. Also I found out I can run it as an administartor and the modded game boots right up and goes into free play fine. The problem though with it is that it's not the map I chose and plus all the text on the pause menu and other places is the actual code text with the underscores and all that.
  3. Hey everyone. I need some help getting my game running. This issue actually started about a year ago and I gave up on it. This weekend though has been a rough one for me and I was reminded that I wanted to play this game. My best friend and law enforcement mentor who first got me playing this game years ago passed away suddenly Friday. I was left with a need to get this game back to running for old times sake. Ok my issue is that the game works fine on the unmodded game in both missions and freeplay. When I go to the LA Mod the missions work fine. When I click on the freeplay mode it fully loads. Then when the screen goes dark to go into the game it crashes to the desktop. I have tried downloading the config files on here and replacing them. I also made sure my video card was good. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game and then the mod and its still doesn't work. I have uploaded the Direct X diagnostic file and the Log file as requested. Help with getting this game going again for me right now would be a big help. Thanks in advance DxDiag.txt logfile.txt DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
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