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Wondering about different multiplayer maps

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I was wondering if I could use a different map while playing multiple. For example the LA mod (free play map), I was wondering if there was a way to make that a multiplayer game. I think me and my friend ported it over right but actual map and all isn't working. I would want it to have the different stations than just the one main emergency base.

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Sorry for the belated response to this:  In short, what you want to do is to take a Freeplay map and turn it into a Multiplayer map... Yes this is possible to do, but not as simple as cut-and-paste.  The FP versions of most mods have special functions/features that are designed to operate under the pretense that there is but a single user interacting with them, while in MP up to 4 individual players are on the map at a given time. In order to take the SP equiv and get it working as it did in freeplay on MP you have to extensively modify the scripts to behave as though there are potentially 4 different players attempting to use the various locations.  Stability issues and resource issues would abound in doing this, but it is totally possible to do it, so long as you can tolerate some glitching from latency/lag.

This is not a "beginner" task in the least to do this type of thing, in essence you'd have to modify tons of scripts in how they function, taking them from their original function which is searching for one asset from a single player and check against a multitude of players that would have to interact with them.  Aside from this the map it's self would require some modifications to create a "base" where the vehicles would come onto the map from, since in the original FP version they once again come from differing locations under the assumption of a single player using them, there could potentially be problems spawning them on the map with the FP version.  

I would suggest modifying the MP map as an alternative giving open spaces to stage your vehicles rather than going through all this work as a "quick" (albeit dirty) fix to the what you want to do.  You'll have less trouble setting that up than trying to open the whole can of worms of advanced work you'd have to do in order to use the FP as a MP.

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