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Everything posted by nodrog1061

  1. Hi all it's been over a year since the release of my translation and I'm sad to say I've just not had the time to finish it, id love, to get back to it but I've just not felt motivated to do so and the fact I have also lost all the files for it so for now this is Scott Marshall signing out maybe forever who knows
  2. @eyespy900 Hi all this is a quick post in relation to a question I got recently I was asked about my progress on my mod and currently, I have Discontinued my mod UNTIL July of this year this is since as some of you may be surprised to know i am only 17 this means this year is my big exam year (GCSE) I am currently 2 Weeks away so I haven't had time do any work on the current version of the mod as you should understand I am overwhelmed with school work so no progress has been made on V0.1.1 but come summer I shall continue my efforts on improving this crucial mod. Yours Sincerely, Marshall Mod Studio, Lead Dev, Scott Marshall http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_05/E724BED344C4E7E7279A7A9D53C7B552.png.76e71ec6d84140d153967e3fef0af0a6.png
  3. This download link works https://ftsoftware.eu/en/downloads/wegberg7beta
  4. are you struggling as the mod installer is in German?
  5. Hi @theocd Thanks for supporting my project I can only offer one piece of advice to that long question as I myself may look like an expert of Weberg but I probably have fewer hours on the mod then you do my advice is go and watch this video by northern Alex if you are still stuck pop on to the disc or I am sure someone can help
  6. http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_02/Project_Anglicus.png.a2d1275df33e0c26f151599bb0c4c5b9.png It Been a long time since my last post almost 3 months to the day I shame to say I haven't done much as I have been concentrating on school work but in the next UK School holiday(Easter) I am going to continue my work. I will be producing in the meantime a trelo board to show what I intend to do over time this will be posted in a form post below. I have also decided to rename the project to Project Anglicus. That's all for now, Scott Marshall Out. P.S I Have seen the post above @IvaVPK but I am not a dev so I don't know how to fix it but I will look into it http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2019_02/Project_Anglicus.png.a2d1275df33e0c26f151599bb0c4c5b9.png
  7. The link is now available in the post above where the link was meant to be
  8. Sorry it will be available soon when the admins approve it on the website
  9. Version 0.1.1 of the mod is now available at the link below Download Now
  10. Version 0.1.1


    This is the beta edition of the Wegberg 7 English pack Created by: Scott Marshall(Nodrog1061) Credit to: ● FT Software For making the original mod ● Bernt112 For helping to understand how EM4 works ● Max I Storm, Xinamond and Northen Alex for help with translation ● Sam Johnson for giving salt : ) Requirements: ● Wegberg 7 Beta Mod (https://ftsoftware.eu/downloads/wegberg7beta) ● Emergency 4 / 911 first responders Installation instruction are included in the file NOTES: Only automatic dispatch is translated yet DO NOT launch the mod using the Wegberg 7 launcher open it as a regular mod if you have installed it correctly you should see this icon: Featured Video: Install tutorial: Needing Support with the mod either contact me through the forums or on discord https://discord.gg/TFenZqK
  11. To them that are interested you may be wondering what’s going on with the translation pack? Well I am cuently 44% the way through the mod I started work on translating the calls and realised that section was a large undertaking but I have: Translated the names of all the items in game Translated 90% of interfaces 30% of calls are translated and finally I have sent a email to FT software and not received a reply in 2 months so I presume I have permission to continue with the project I am predicting that with Christmas holadys coming up i will have plenty of time to work on it and I will have a initial alpha edition available by the new year hopefully i don’t sadly don’t have a photo to share as I am on my iPad ?
  12. So I am glad to see the is still a call for it I hope FT software will let me release it
  13. I don't know if there is any call for this anymore but I am working on an English translation pack for the wegberg mod it will probably take a few months to complete it will probably include translated dialogues translated menus translated item name translated emergency types (probably) it won't include translate audio a image too keep you happy http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_11/prewe.thumb.JPG.5c5a0f6ba191b0f03d3d869d73d5632c.JPG
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