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Everything posted by StevenEhlert2

  1. Oh its been a good 3 to 4 years.. AHHA. Freshman in college now.. stopped when i was sophomore in high-school.
  2. Been a way from em4 for a while. Any new great mods or anything.
  3. "Half of getting there is having the confidence to show up and keep showing up." Sophia Amoruso

  4. Anyone taking classes at Eastfield Campus?

  5. Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to regret.

  6. attending Randy Rogers Band

  7. Paying it forward: Why not??????? Running an interesting test to see who reads my posts. (I don't think there are... https://Not permittedDwGpScS2D1

  8. When you friends want you tag along... But everybody thats going is in a relationship except for you... #awk #single #no

  9. Does anybody know how we met all these people on our Facebook friends list? Here's a task for you...I want all my... https://Not permittedqfGB3Mz26D

  10. Love how the school emails us saying there is a gas leak.... from October 2015.....

  11. who wants to be my bestfriend and review a essay for me ahah

  12. Hi, On behalf of steam game users we are asking Microsoft and Frontier gaming to upload Zoo tycoon to Steam for purchase. When Zoo tycoon series came out it was popular but for a certain group. And since the internet has revolved and word was passed about it has become popular. But one problem. It is only available on disk. If they upload people can just download and buy it. Zoo Tycoon is a game where you can basically build a Zoo. Its for people of all ages. Even college students like my self. So please sign for Microsoft to see that the game is still popular and should be uploaded. ​ Petition - https://www.change.org/p/microsoft-zoo-tycoon?recruiter=44600037&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
  13. Interesting topic my professor brought up - "What defines success""Is there one thing that can define success"

  14. Been out of em4 for a while. Just getting back into it. Any good clans or recommendations.
  15. RT @UNTsocial: @StevenEhlert2 We hope you'll choose #UNT! Is there anything we can do to help you w/ your decision?

  16. When people say they understand you.... — feeling annoyed

  17. Feels like the other day we were talking about what high school to go to and now, going to college in a semester... http://t.co/tJJ1RGjwY3

  18. One way to finish a football season.#senior

  19. um what was that earthquake......

  20. It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.

  21. Legendary Emergency Services is always looking for new members. Come check us out! Website : http://legendaryes.com/ Teamspeak: Hope to play some games with you when you come on! Happy Holidays, Recruiter Steve
  22. Legendary Emergency Services is always looking for new members. Come check us out! Website : http://legendaryes.com/ Teamspeak: Hope to play some games with you when you come on! Happy Holidays, Recruiter Steve
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