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  1. Hey goog I thought you were going to take the pushbars of the front if the lapd crown vics? Nice models and lights you guys are great!
  2. Thanks for the info. that is truly is a unique department and is really cool. i wish the U.S. had something like that.
  3. This mod is fantastic a round of appluse for you guys. but i have a question i know rcmp does law enforcement but do they have their own patrol area like surrey or are they a fedral divison that provides backup for local law enforcment or are they like a Sheriffs office like in the U.S. ( i dont know if there is a Sheriffs office in canda or not.) with a county wide patrol coverage
  4. my question was that the lapd crown vics did NOT have push bars on the front beacuse in the screen shots the LAPD crown vics have push bars. i thought that lapd crown vics did not have push bars.
  5. Great mod and models but one question i thought that LAPD Patrol cars did not have push bars on the front?
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