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Recruiting! For Wyoming County Submod!

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Hey All! I am opening up recruitment for anyone interested in doing audio work for my upcoming submod! In free play, all of the calls have a specific toneout and description. I need several peeople to act as different dispatchers and firefighters giving reports and toning out departments. PM me if interested.

Also if you want to offer other services, give me a PM as well. I am doing everything on my own as of now, but any help counts! I dont specifically need any expertise, all thescripts are done and themodels are being worked on by me, so offer if you want to help!



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Well I am doing custom calls and dispatches. I have a working script for each house, tree, and building that can catch fire so that it has aspecific dispatch for each one. I am NOT going to be using 1-5 sound bytes multiple times. I am going to do this right.

If anyone else is interetsed and has not PM'd me, here is the script you can use.

Here is the script for testing to see if you can do some voices for my mod:

If you want to try for dispatcher,

*Tones go off* Station 7, station 1, Station 2 for an engine and a tanker, Station 9 for a tanker........(Pause for 1-2 seconds)......respond, Box 7 dash 1, eaton township(Pause), on route 92 south just over the river bridge. for a commercial fire alarm at the Holiday Inn. Alarms going off on the 3rd floor....We have multiple calls of smoke on the second and third floor....Repeating.(Then Repeat)

If you want to be firefighter:

Engine 7 to Wyoming county be advised, we are on scene and have flames showing from the third story. Approximately 2 rooms are involved. Advise chief 7 to request a 2nd alarm fro station 12 and station 5.

If you want to be chief:

Chief 7 to Wyoming county, I copy that response from engine 7. I am requesting to elevate this to a second alarm and I am requesting an additional engine from station 12 and a tanker from station 5 to respond. I am establishing holiday inn command.

Just record whatever lines you want and upload them to me. I will be deciding based off of how you speak, the pitch and enunciation of your voice, and if you are still willing to do any work.

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