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Police Simulator, private mod help (maybe mod made public if interest)

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Hi all,

i would like to create a private sub mod for either LA mod or the london mod, as im from England, based solely on the police. I got this idea from a game called Police simulator, however the game is so bugged, poor, slow, save game dont work, that the concept is there but the execution wasn't.

What i noticed is the graphics and gameplay are so similar to Emergency 4 that with alot of hard work and using a mod (permission provided) i could get most of the features into this Emergency 4 and make it better.

I have a whole mod features list and ideas and plan in my head that i really want to execute.

however to make that possible or the best it can be i have a question?

1. I see its possible to edit/remove/add events, eg i would like to remove emergencies for fire department and ambulence eg discarded cigarettes, fires starting etc, and replace or add events for crime such as assault, hit and run, running a red light, anti-social behavior etc. would this effect/crash freemap? how do i change how frequent events happen?

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If you go to the specs folder then to your fp_params_endless xml files and open them in notepad, you should see something that says <events> and everything under that are different events. You should see something under the event named Enabled value = "1". If you change that to 0, that call will not come up so for example, <EFPEventFall>

<Enabled value> = "1"

Change the "1" to "0" and it should not come up in the game anymore. I believe if you change the number to 2 it will make the call more frequent so if you may, you could do that for police events. As for the earning number of the calls, I don't know how to change it. There is a Earnings value that gives you 35,000 points to use periodically and that's in the firs "paragraph" at the top of that xml file as well as the starting budget. I hope that this has explained the answer to your question.

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