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Posts posted by Jayplaygame

  1. 5 hours ago, Newfoundking said:

    Within the mod directory, there's a folder called ui, there's folders here for command icons, as well as cursor icons. The object is the file for the model. You can place this in a folder such as Objects/Objects or whatever one there is.

    Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean by "a folder such as objects/objects or whatever one there is", will need a little more clarity. Do I make said folder or am I putting it in whatever objects there are? What exactly do you mean by object in this context?

    5 hours ago, Newfoundking said:

    You'll need to make a prototype for the hilfsobjekte, and it has to go in the folder with this name: Prototypes/Objects/Hilfsobjekte/Ausrichtung.e4p


    There's tutorials on this site for creating prototypes and working with them. Take a look at them for more guidance

    Will I require a prototype to get this parking script working?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Newfoundking said:

    Generally speaking, with all scripts, you place then in the mods script folder, under commands, and then assign it to the vehicle in question as a command. I'm not familiar with this specific script, but this should work, looking at the information available. It doesn't appear to rely on callers or naming the objects using it in the script, so you should be fine to just assign the parking command to a vehicle and use it in game

    Apologies, I'm not very familiar with modifying mods themselves, I believe I have placed the script itself in the right spot, I just need some assistance with the Hilfsobjekt_Icon.rar file. Where precisely do I place the icons, curser and command, and what exactly is the "Hilfsobjekt" content and where does this go?

  3. Hello all, I am looking for some assistance in installing a particular German parking script modification into another mod, or other mods. I cannot find any guides on this, or anything relating to it. For example, the LA mod has no parking script, I would like to be able to park the vehicles. Can anybody help me out?

    Here is the mod: https://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2166-ausrichtungsscript/


  4. Alright well, slight problem here.. obviously didn't notice it before many years ago if this is by default but... SFOs and CO19s like to walk in "missions", infact they're stuck walking and yet when I load up the freeplay scenario they seem to be completely fine and will move at the expected pace. No idea how to fix this, or why it's doing it.

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