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Posts posted by DaSWAT

  1. On 27/08/2016 at 2:51 PM, Killerconsti said:

    For your first problem:

    -you can send vehicles which are empty


    However -

    I guess mods could help:


    with this one the crew will automaticly enter the vehicle if you press the HQ button.



    For the criminal I guess he stucks in an action. With this mod you could select the HQ and then over the gangster should appear a icon "abort action" which you need to press

    Download Link:





    Looks like a great mod, checking it out? Also what are the advantages of denying a promotion offer to go to a new area?

  2. Hi There,

    I know I'm probably really stupid, and the answer is probably right in front of my nose, but I couldn't figure it out and searched all over the internet and forums and got nothing.

    I really hate when the air ambulances just leave the doctor on the ground, or one police officer is left at the scene because his partner is too idiotic to bother letting him get in the car before taking a prisoner to jail. I just restarted the plague mission because my police van showed up to a street fight, sprayed some people and arrested 3/4 of them. When I ordered to pepper spray the last, the one officer who didn't have a prisoner on his hands was in a fight, so another let go of a prisoner to spray the crim. All 4 crims got put in cuffs, but the crim who was released by the officer just stood there and I couldn't make any of my officers grab her, even when I called in a new unit.

    How can I get my emergency personnel back in there cars after being ditched by their friends who have already returned to base, and re-arrest/take to prison the crims who have been let go?



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