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Posts posted by jelle1995

  1. Strange occasions: (often reported as bugs, but cannot or won't be changed)

    - Vehicles on patrol ignore traffic lights

    - The watercannon of parked fire engines in one of the fire stations shoots through the roof of the fire station when a fire is in its vicinity.

    - When personnel of the third parked ambulance (fire station 1) exits the vehicle they sometimes appear outside of the fire station.

    Can you fix it that the police patrol stops for a traffic light?

    Srry for bad Englisch am Dutch

  2. Hey can you please help me when in freeplay la mod 2.0, I get a call from dispatch about a demonstration where a large group of people are throwing petrol bombs at a building and shouting "resist" ! I have sent Swat officers and they get killed, ive send police dog and the handler gets killled any personell i send to the scene to deal get killed !! what do i do to complete the mission ??

    Please help :1046276372_bawling:

    just take some FBI with asniper and a corridor van and kill every body

  3. yeah, and dont forget, you called this the CHANNEL TUNNEL MOD, and the channel tunnel goes to france right, so it would be a good idea to also include some northern france emergency units, and i also saw that there is a smaller tunnel next, but connecting to the channel which the french use for a smaller LEV (Light Equipment Vehicle)to pass through in case the tunnel is blocked.

    okey ;p

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