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Steve Winters

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Everything posted by Steve Winters

  1. That's a good job on your behalf. You need all the help you can get and that wouldn't help at all.
  2. That's great news. However it's also sad news too. Hopefully you'll be able to continue this mod. It looks great!
  3. Great submod. Works well Could I suggest like a LAFD firefighters, with no jackets on just like in NY MOD? if that's possible, yet, if your allowed to make something like that. It would be nice to have in this submod, however I'm not trying to steal other ideas, it's just a suggestion.
  4. I have good news Andrew, I'll send it to you over PM. What do you mean you hope you didn't download from a rip off? There are a few errors to deal with and they'll be fixed in time.
  5. Never heard of that.. I have had no problems with PD on hisaos, what mao do you use? Highway or Round about?
  6. It's mandatory that every department is trained for Rope Rescues..
  7. It's not your computer that hates the .zip file. Something happened in the installer and it gives errors. He's currently fixing this.
  8. It didn't work... EDIT: Never mind, It works now =D
  9. Never heard of that "Kevin Shea Rescue" But it sounds interesting. Very True FF111. It can be any rescue depending on the area of the situation. (Town)
  10. Yea, Hoppah wouldn't give it permission to release. And New York Mod isn't out yet and know one knows when it will come out. So there is nothing to worry about.
  11. Well anything is possible. Certain Fire Trucks and have different sirens.. If that's possible.
  12. That could work quite well. I like that idea.
  13. Yes. That "bug" also happens to be the blue cubes.. I agree, LED's are way nicer. C.F.D dies when it comes to LED's.
  14. I prefer the LEDs. Not 3D I didn't mix it. It was just what Conroy said and it helped. MAke sure you didn't install 3D LED v1.5 with LED v1.4. Other wise you will have BLUE CUBES.
  15. I have a rough idea of what it is but I'm not sure. I believe Its for setting up units? I'm not sure.
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