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Posts posted by limet

  1. On 28.5.2016 at 5:24 PM, itchboy said:

    While I understand the concerns about patrol paths and map, it isnt helpful or constructiveto the mod author to say 'the mod turned out crap' and 'its shit'. Calling it shit only serves to antagonize the mod author and gives him more reason not to ever release his project to the public. The person above could have easilly made some steps on how the author could add patrol paths to the map, or highlight specific changes to the map (while being polite and reasonable) without having to curse his project out.

    You wouldnt feel good at all if someone called your mod 'crap' or 'shit'.


    My fault, didn't now "Uma bosta" could be translated as crap.

  2. On 21.5.2016 at 5:27 AM, itchboy said:

    This site's primary language is english, in future, please speak in english, or use a translator.

    EDIT: Your post has been reported for using profanity in Portugese. In future, please give more constructive criticism and refrain from using vulgar language.

    I speak only a little Portugese, but I believe he didn't swear in a too vulgar way.

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