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Posts posted by theultimateassasin11

  1. this was is going to be my first European mod for em4, but I don't know how to install it. I did what I normally did (downloaded it, extracted it with WinRAR, moved the extracted folder into the mods file in the game folder) and it did not work.... please help


    thanks, cool looking mod by the way

  2. sorry dude, i have V2.0 , but the version i saw had 2 ambulances at the fire station, 2 and 1 supervisor at one medic station, AND another station with 2 more ambulances. i should have been more specific. so is there like a Beta V3 that only the youtubers get to test?


  3. hey guys, the other day I was watching theNorthernAex play an episode of Emergency 4 west coast Canada mod, and I noticed that there are 2 AMBULANCE STATIONS instead of 1, so I was wondering If a new version came out and I was just totally in the dark or something?


    thanks in advance


  4. hey finn, great mod!

    I am fairly new to EM4 and the boston mod but I saw patar 1441 playing a boston mod a few months ago and I was interested in it ever since.

    I did download a boston mod from you before (V 1 I think) but the lights were always white squares so I was wondering if I broke it, or is the mod broken, or something

    It would be great if you could help me out.

    keep up the great work!

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  5. hey guys,

    first I want to say that I am new t em4 and just got the game a month ago and I love this forum!

    second I love this mod and this was one of the reasons I got the game, so please keep up the great work.

    finally I have a small "bug with the mod", most of the units have "white boxes" on where the lights are. and I was wondering if anyone could let me know how to fix it.

    thanks in advance.

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