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Brayden Allen

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Posts posted by Brayden Allen

  1. I'm in the process of creating a piece of software with Visual Studio 2015 and I need some help. I need some help in writing the code for it. 


    Here is what it's for. It is going to be used as a form thing where you type in info. What I want to have is a button where it says save then it saves the info typed in the textboxes in another file. I need to know how to code for this. Also I need the code for a button to select where to save the file. 


  2. This is totally unrelated to Emergency 4. Anyways, I am in the process of starting my own "country".  At the moment it is merely a gaming group, but it does have a government, flag, etc. I am trying to create a national anthem. This is where I need you guys help. I need suggestions for tunes and lyrics for those tunes. I have my favorite tunes. For example I like the tune of the French National Anthem. 

    For help with our nation I tell you a little about what we stand for we are completely against the liberals of the U.S. we support the conservatives. Right now our government is a Customized Constitutional Monarchy. I've called it Bradonia. For more ideas about the nation please comment

  3. I am interested in making missions for my mod. Similar to the ones Hoppah made for the LA Mod. How do I make the description for the mission. I've kinda got an idea of how to make the mission on the map. But I need help for the intro description and the ending percentage thing.

  4. I have a problem. I just put a new texture into the game and it's coming up sort-a white. Like I can see the texture but it's got white around it. How do I fix this. Also im trying to open the LA texture files but when I open them in paint.net it says it's not in dds form eventthough it is. How do I fix this and open them in paint

  5. Does anybody know how to make free play events? Or does anybody know where I can find out how to. I would like to know how to make an event that would spawn like the others and would not just be there when the game starts. 

    Some of the events i'm trying to make are:

    Church Fire

    Car crashing into a building

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