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Johnny Parsons

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Posts posted by Johnny Parsons

  1. Loving the mod guys! The favourite unit has been the Paramedic Tahoe. Besides the crashes every now and then, it really nice to play. The ability to play emergency services in a rural town brings a few way of managing resources.  This mod is one of the few that I have played that executes the Volunteer FF, water supply, and backboard scripts excellently.

    I do have a few suggestions for the mod.

    Maybe have a rescue squad outpost for faster medical responses. I usually have the paramedic sit at the FD behind the Shift Commander.

    Fix where some of the AI stop at interceptions. I noticed that sometimes the AI does get stuck behind a sign or cause a traffic jam due to the position of the car.

    I don't know if it's my game, but tune down the fog some. I noticed that my rig strains once fog starts to settle and I can run games like ArmA3 at ultra with 40-70 FPS.

    Animations! I have noticed that some of the units are lacking proper animations. Like the air ambulance is lacking all animations pretty much and doors on some units open wrong. If you working on them, then my bad, keep working!

    At it's current state, I give the mod a 7.5/10. The models and skins are really nice, the map is amazing, and using the dispatchers to deploy units makes the game play longer and fun. Fix those few critical bugs, get some units in to fill the blanks, and finish the animations.

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