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Ozimák István

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Posts posted by Ozimák István

  1. Hello everyone!


    Recently i tried hard to edit events in freeplay, but it not works like in EM4. I opened up: "data\em5\gamedata\em5_eventpool\freeplay\berlin_freeplay_eventpools.json" and tried to take out some events. In short: I'm a firefighter, and i don't want to play police, and ambulance missions :) Forgive me this :) So, i tried to edit this command: "StartEvent": "true" to "false". But in the first section of the file, we have some fixed events, that we can't get rid of? 

    Berlin - freeplay fixed event pool


    There's no "StartEvent": "true" command present. And if i try to add it, it does nothing. It  keeps adding events: "robbery" or "seriously ill" or  like this. I also tried to make // at the beginning of the event, but it somewhat crashes the game. Same with deleting the events separately, or erasing the whole fixed eventpool section :)

    Is there anyone who tried to edit events with success? Or, is there anyone who can help me with this? I think i messed up something or i'm trying in the wrong way or with the wrong file(?).


    Thank you in advance for your help! And sorry for my English, i'm Hungarian.

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