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Daniel Danielsen

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Posts posted by Daniel Danielsen

  1. Thanks, at least I know it's possible then.. tried 5-6 times already so I kinda felt a little frustrated towards the end. Is it correct that you cannot load your progress during these missions? While saving seems to work (saves a screenshot of the current scene), loading simply restarts the mission from the beginning. Kinda frustrating when there's so many other things to micromanage and glitches to deal with throughout this one.. oh well, guess I'll give it another go.

  2. After figuring out how to bypass all the other glitches - like the motorboat that won't retrieve people - I have hit a dead end during the Hamburg - Flood mission. I finish everything except the rescue of one trapped driver. The problem is that the crane jumps into the water to save the middle of the three cars, and subsequently fails to put the car back on dry land. It's inaccessible to the Jaws, and I can't get further. Crane won't move or pick up the vehicle again.




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