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FlorianOH 35/44/1

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Posts posted by FlorianOH 35/44/1

  1. The video tutorial of the "World Builder 2014", the Editor of EMERGENCY 5, is now available.

    Have fun, discovering the new possibilites of this powerful tool!


    Please note, that the first video of the tutorial series has got English subtitles. Subtitles are missing until now for the other videos, which go more into detail. - If someone wants to provide subtitles for Englisch or even other languages, please let me know. I may link those to the videos on YouTube.


    Best regards,

  2. And here comes the (short) Change Log for the Update 1.2.2


    - Fix for mouse lag on several machines
    - Fixed a cause of irregular short freezes / performance drops
    - Some general performance and memory optimizations
    - Fixed several gameplay blockers (e.g. not triggering freeplay events)
    - Fixed a problem in recovery helicopter flight with passenger
    - Fixed SEK drone functionality
    - Several pathfinding bug fixes
    - Fixed bugs in highscores and achievements
    - Fixed crashes

  3. Hello!


    For your information:

    The Update 1.2.1 has been released. It mainly focuses on an issue with NVIDIA graphic cards, if the computer has more than one graphic card.


    Patch 1.2.1
    Main changes:
    - Forcing recognition of graphics acceleration on systems with Nvidia Optimus technology
    - Crash fix when fireman frees persons from gas station
    - Crash fix in multiplay lobby password entry
    - Fix for objects getting invisible during or after a building fire
  4. First major update for EMERGENCY 5 available!
    Defect fixes and performance improvement



    Dear EMERGENCY 5 players,

    we would like to thank you for all the positive and fair feedback that reached us over the days after the release of EMERGENCY 5. We worked hard during the recent days to analyze every single feedback message. Also we want to express our gratitude for all performance test results EMERGENCY players have sent to us. We take this support not for granted and thank you very much! We want to communicate our further proceedings to all customers very clearly. All players shall be be able to see, if any difficulties they may encounter with functions or game performance are being solved by the current version. Most players have seen that we released a minor patch in the first days after the release which covered some bigger Problems. Now we have worked for one week on many important improvements which are listed below. Again, we would like to encourage you to give us any feedback. It is helping a lot. After this first major patch we will work consistently on the quality of the product. We will also include some important fixes which will take some time. We will inform you frequently about our next major update of the project. Thanks a lot to the great EMERGENCY Community for the fantastic support!


    Changelog Patch 1.2

    - Fixed a crash appearing randomly during freeplay and when restarting Munich bomb event
    - Fixed a crash appearing mainly in Munich paraglider event
    - Fixed an AI related random crash during freeplay

    - Optimized simulation rate for many computer configurations
    - Various performance and memory improvements applicable for most computer configurations
    - Reduced network traffic in multiplayer matches to gain higher performance

    - Fixed event music playback stopped after several events
    - Fixed multiple mouse-over-sound-playbacks inside the GUI login-dialog

    - Fixed oil fire spreading in Hamburg flooding event
    - Fix for stuck injured
    - Fix for recovery helicopter: placing injured persons in blocked areas not longer possible
    - Fixed sending only one vehicle when not using the send button

    Vehicle path finding
    - Solved a problem that causes vehicles to get stuck in an obstacle
    - Solved a problem that causes vehicles to drive through thin walls
    - Fixed a bug that sometimes unit vehicle stops for a moment at red traffic lights
    - Fixed several collision problems

    - Fixed missing fire effect for some objects
    - Added map icons for drones

    - Fixed highscore not being sent to WORLD OF EMERGENCY account

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