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Davide Ciaramitaro Chetry

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Posts posted by Davide Ciaramitaro Chetry

  1. Hi all!
    I'm David, administrator and scripter of Italian Modification Team. I've just some problems about
    the mod,maybe I need your help! I have some questions....
    1: I'm using the script "CALL POLICE PATROL",he said me tells me to insert the VirtualObjects but when I put them into the game the call works but the vehicle doesn't arrive. This script goes with a barracks?
    2:I have a script of the lights and They goes in conflict, I'm attaching two scripts to try to solve this problem:
    const char CMD_SPL_ON[]		= "SPL_On";const char CMD_SPL_OFF[]		= "SPL_Off";int DummyGroup = 27; object SPL_Off : CommandScript{ 	SPL_Off() 	{ 		SetIcon("spl_off"); //  		SetCursor("spl_off"); //  		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);  		v.EnableSpecialLights(false);		v.AssignCommand(CMD_SPL_ON); 		v.RemoveCommand(CMD_SPL_OFF); 	}	};object SPL_On : CommandScript{	SPL_On() 	{ 		SetIcon("gyro_on"); // mettre le nom de l'icone ici 		SetCursor("gyro_on"); // mettre le nom de l'icone ici 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);  		v.EnableSpecialLights(true);		v.AssignCommand(CMD_SPL_OFF); 		v.RemoveCommand(CMD_SPL_ON);		Caller->PushActionRedirect(ACTION_NEWLIST); 	}	};
    const char CMD_HL_ON[]		= "HD_On";const char CMD_HL_OFF[]		= "HD_Off";int DummyGroup = 27; object HL_Off : CommandScript{ 	HL_Off() 	{ 		SetIcon("gyro_off"); // 		SetCursor("gyro_off"); //  		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);  		v.EnableHighlights(false);		v.AssignCommand(CMD_HL_ON); 		v.RemoveCommand(CMD_HL_OFF); 	}	};object SPL_On : CommandScript{	SPL_On() 	{ 		SetIcon("gyro_on"); // mettre le nom de l'icone ici 		SetCursor("gyro_on"); // mettre le nom de l'icone ici 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);  		v.EnableHighlights(true);		v.AssignCommand(CMD_HL_OFF); 		v.RemoveCommand(CMD_HL_ON);		Caller->PushActionRedirect(ACTION_NEWLIST); 	}	};
    3:How can I add resistance to the blows of gunfire and physical violence in the shield of the police?
    Thanks in advance. Greetings!
    David from Italian Modification Team.


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