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Posts posted by Firefighter5

  1. I love it! I found that some vehicles are missing the tires, or atleast they are not showing up for me. A few suggestions I have would be to put a hydrant or two in the top left corner of the map where all the shipping containers are accross from the station that has just the two engines. Also, maybe slow the fire spread a little bit? Both calls I had that were fires as soon as I scrolled away to click on my units when I moved back the fire had spread a good bit. 

  2. So I am considering buying a new laptop; it is the Asus: Republic of gamers system. Does anyone use it? If so what games do you run on it? Below I have listed the specs can someone tell me what I can run safely off of it? I mainly want to run GTA IV and V with the LCPDFR mods. EM4 with mods of course, possibly EM5 and the new Battlefield Hardline. If someone could give me guidance that would be greatly appreciated, thank you! 


    Processor: Intel® Core i7-4710HQ CPU @2.50GHz

    Memory (RAM) 16.0GB

    System type 64-bit Operationg Sustem, x64-based processor 



  3. it be cool if trucks could refill water tanks in the station ;'(


    I just use the Hydrant out front of the station.


    It's in the limited water supply script. Right now engines are all 1,000 gallons and tankers are 3,000 gallons


    Oh I see, It I was gunna try and change the Brush trucks to 300 and the one engine with a large tank on the back to 1500 or 2000 gal but I guess its not possible. Thanks though! :)

  4. I got it to work now haha, but it crashed when I sent one of my police units to the station. I am not sure which one though. Also, in V 1.2 I could use the tanker as a relay pumper from the hydrant, now I cant do that anymore in 1.3 will that be changed in 1.4 or no? I feel like it would be pretty nice with long lays like that if you could use an engine or tanker to relay water

  5. So I followed everything to the T and I tripple checked it. this is what keeps popping up 


    Extracting to "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\The Riverside Modification V1.2 (1)\"
    Use Path: yes   Overlay Files: no
    Error: Unable to create "C:\Program Files (x86)\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\The Riverside Modification V1.2 (1)\The Riverside Modification V1.2\Audio\Fx\equipment\Shot01.wav"
    Irrecoverable Error: File creation error.
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