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Posts posted by Forensics

  1. Regular officers do wear tasers, its becoming more and more common. For london, where ARVs are more often than not closer to the incident it may be less common, but in cornwall it is pretty common for a regular officer to have been taser trained.

    Yes but it's still very recent and not really that common, not like every regular office in the UK is now taser trained, but maybe it will become the case in 2 years time, but still that's not now.

  2. Um Forensics, Actually a motorway ambulance is a rapid response Med care Platform,just to let you know. To the second point you made the PolicE QUADS are totally realistic and the Scottish and Welsh forces use them so DO some RESARCH. The Fire Brigade motorbikes are reserved for people such as the Battalion Chief,safety inspector or a rapid evaluation responder. A fire bus would be a van carrying many firefighters or to evacuate a school etc.

    I know they exist (apart from Motorway Ambulance, I still dispute that), but are they really used for proper emergency responce? Rarely. Secondly they from all around the place, if you want to base a mod on a city you can't just pick and choose units from anywhere. And thirdly what use would something like a police quad have in-game? None, just look pretty.

    To your last point Best UK mod was not pretentious and perfectlly jutifiable as it wil be a combination of mods. It was not meant to out-do the LA mods or the Winterberg mod.

    When you say combination of mods, which mods are you combining?

    I would no move on to the second response saying the mods have already been made, well let me tell yoo, there have been over 30 mods for German cities so why NOT a British city, it could me Manchester or Leeds etc.'

    There are already a number of British mods.

  3. No offence but you do not have a clue about UK emergency services. (motorway ambulance, police quads, fire motorbikes and fire buses for evac. Like WTF?)

    Anyway this isn't going anywhere, believe me. How many times have people come on here with a load of ideas and just expected everyone to help? They won't.

    By the way do you know how pretentious you sound by writing "Best UK emergency mod"?

  4. Played it for a few hours and love it. Though some vehicles are missing which I hope to see in any future release, such as Turntable as was called to a person gonna jump from a building and coun't rescue them.

    You can ues the jump pad (in the FRU) for that event instead of the ladder.

  5. if you sell a vehicle you already have, then you can buy new ones. The mod just requires an increase in the vehicle limit like LA Mod has.

    You could also just edit the number availble in the 'freeplaybase' file in the mod's 'specs' folder. You can also use this to get a crane in-game.

    I've had a good few hours playing the mod now - really excellent - one of the best mods (if not the best) for EM4.

    Only major issue I have is traffic none of the traffic light work properly so there are big jams everywhere which can be bad if you get car fire event. Does anyone know how to fix traffic light timings?

    Once again you've both done a great job. :12:

  6. anyone else issue with the heli on take off?

    Yep, will take off but something wrong with it.

    Also there are huge traffic issues as one set of lights is green for less than a second so no traffic goes through. This is on the bit of dual carriageway.

    Other than that the mod is amazing! Love HART, although a bit pointless in game.

    Also the would mod hugely benefit if there was London bomb disposal and tow trucks.

    It's amazing! :) :) :)

  7. I use rapid deployment some of the time and I find it really useful when there's lots of big things going on and you don't have to time to do it manually.

    But when there's not much going on I like to do it manually. :)

    So it might as well be in the mod and those who like to use it can, and those who don't can do it their way.

  8. I've just finished another 4 months at sea, in spain for ten days, now i've finished 4 days of travel from the Falklands, including flight cancelations due to the UK weather. Will continue with the mod in the new years. As ever, thankyou for all your support! :)

    Nice to have you back. :)

    Happy Hoildays BTW. :)

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