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Posts posted by pizzadeliver

  1. If you thought EM2013 graphics were good enough, I can say they really weren't much of an improvement over EM4.

    By the way, EM4 is also called 911: First Responders and is sold by Atari. Here's the link: http://www.atari.com...irst-responders

    There's a small problem: they sell it only in the united states! PS: I'm italian, but I still can play a full english game! (but no other languages)

    Okok found it, they have it at a store in my city, Emergency 4 Gold (Gold is the most complete no?)

  2. Welcome to the forums!

    Seems like your problem is that you have purchased a sh***y game. I'm afraid that there isn't much that can be done, especially since Steam isn't too keen on refunds, and the amount of funks given by the developer appears to be minimal.

    We used to have a dedicated EM2012 section on the site (I believe EM2013 is just a "yearly update" of EM2012), but since very few people were using the game (no moddability and terrible gameplay tend to kill a game pretty quick), the section was removed.

    My best advice would be to voice your concerns directly to the developer, Deep Silver, and hope that some fixes make it to an eventual patch. But frankly, I wouldn't bet on it. This community has given up on Emergency 2012/2013. We're hoping that Emergency 5 will be less of a disappointment.

    Guess I can try Emergency 4 ... I saw you got plenty of mods here, just hope the graphic doesn't look too terribad and additional contents isn't too difficult to install (I'm kinda a casual player, but I kinda like emergency 2013, so if there's something better out there I'm gonna try it)!

    PS: Can't find it on Steam... And it's sold out on Gamestop.. .AArgh! Well I'll keep looking for the Gold / Deluxe edition of Emergency 4... Can't believe a 2009 game is already disappeared!

  3. First of all SORRY if this is not the correct forum to post on, but this is the first game of this series I buy and I can't find an official forum to post on (apart from steam discussion, but noone answers)

    I'm really enjoying infinite play maps but I found many gamebreaking bugs:

    Right now I can think just the most annoying:

    - Looters truck left in the middle of the road, jamming all the traffic and unremovable by engineers since it's considered an "healthy" vehicle

    - Criminals running immediately at the edge of the map and getting stuck here, without any possibility of being arrested, shooted or sniped.

    - Road pirates runnin as fast as police cars almost impossible to stop

    - Some disasters in freeplay maps just ruin the map and force you to start again Someone managed to solve those things?

    - Few selection of infinte / challenge maps and kinda repetitive type of disasters

    Someone managed to solve those things? Ty in advance

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