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emergency 2013

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Everything posted by emergency 2013

  1. Is there any where we can advertise our clan ? Is there any websites anyone can advertise the clan something like that
  2. i made this server/website and we have got hacked so IF YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED OR ARE HAVING TROUBLE CONNECTING POST THE ISSUE HERE
  4. no. the 2012,2013, and 2014 are not moddable only Em 1,2,3,4,5 are moddable sorry
  5. i emmmm nneww oh ya i ban you because you want me to support you 'r mod
  6. Original:> http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/5588-ban-the-person-above-you/ Note: This is only a game, you don't get banned! Rules: 1. Don't be offensive! 2. Do not double post! 3. Do not go off-topic! 4. No spam! Objectives: You must ban the person above you for something he/she has done or does. It can be about their post, avatar or signature. Obviously, I can't start, so someone else has to ban me first!
  7. maybe something in afghan like some us checkpoint or something or some thing with border patrol thing
  8. i need help with the mod if it is gonna happen ( i will need people to help me with this ) but i am not the best modder in this forum so if anyone else wants to make the mod (that knows how to do it and has a team) awesome
  9. hey whats up everybody i have been thinking about making a Mexican Border Patrol. some think with the border, and can accept cars or deny and search the cars. something like that i have a little experience with modding but i will give it a try (IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO MAKE THIS MOD COMMENT BELOW) remember what i said about modding (if you want me to make the mod i will need people to script, model/map and i will do the cars and all)
  10. WOW UPDATE THOS CONES ARE SCARY THEY FOLLOW YOU and please make it in english
  11. have i beach if you can withh life guards and mountens with like a park ranger
  12. is this a mod i dont get it is this for em 4 lol
  13. there should be a fuel truck so if you cars dies outside the base you can drive the truck to the car with no fuel
  14. hello i own a role play clan for GTA 5 and am am looking for new/more members this clan is new so dont thing there are many members . if you want to join the awesome clan go to w11.zetaboards.com/lsed things we run in this clan Fire Department/EMS Police Swat FIB Coast Guard Military BYE FOR NOW
  15. yo whats up i dont know if this is possibel to put in the mod (Ripsaw MS2) link here www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ripsaw++ms2&oq=ripsaw++ms2&gs_l=youtube.3..0.8690.15430.0.15734. or just search ripsaw ms2 s**t if i saw that behind me i would ruuuuuuuuuuuuun but not even a golf cart can escape that :(')
  16. AWESOME is this going to add more parking spaces
  17. i ban you becuse you have 44 posts now i am not happy
  18. please post any la banners here
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