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Status Replies posted by Thomasvista207

  1. NC mod is far from dead.. Tanker 1 ready to roll!

    1. Thomasvista207


      Posted. Having issues with embedded pictures for some reason.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I love it how everytime you post the word Tanker anywhere someone has to correct you and say Tender, like really people they do the same damn job they both haul water and can set up holding tanks. and yes i know most states are attempting to change the Tanker to Tender since the air drop planes are called Air Tankers

  3. Hhmmm applying to Lenoir and Shelby Fire Departments, Expanding my opportunity, Wish me luck! Prayers are appreciated as well!

    1. Thomasvista207


      Good luck! Are these in North Carolina?

  4. My hearth is with all the vicims in the train crash in Spain, 78 persons dead, the number of dead persons is going up

    1. Thomasvista207


      RIP. Another reason why we shouldn't have high speed rail here in America.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. So...I found that really high profile terrorist then his guards shoot the crap outta my soldiers and the house catches fire. EVERY VEHICLE FROM MY BASE EXPLODES! WHY HOPPAH WHY?!! lol

  6. trying to think of a place to put a bomb (not lliterally) and an scenario any help?

    1. Thomasvista207


      Bank, you could even make a scenario where you must save hostages by disarming the bomb and taking down the hostage taker.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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