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Posts posted by x421

  1. Any new photos for us to see? :)

    Are you planning to make PASI or some other vehicle for "Karhuryhmä"for example? What are we still missing? Two TEC-units, emergency doctor unfinished anything else? How about voluntary ensivaste? :)

  2. I'll see that later. I haven´t yet even started making or even planned TEC units. Vehicles are something like 85% ready according to my original plan. Map 100%. Others 0%...

    Okay! Will there be difference between Hoitotaso > Perustaso > Ensivaste? Would be great, but it could turn out to be just playing with too small legos I guess.
  3. Pretty exact modelling. Been a few weeks since last update and that makes people worrying since the fate of previous Finnish mods has been quite sad.

    I have a few questions to make:

    Will there be MediHeli, Ilmari, Sepe or similar? I can't remember which one of those is operating in your county. Long time since I last was in Finland..

    Have you thought about placing one unit of volunteer first responders (ensivaste)? In Finland the Red Cross (SPR) has these "first aid groups" in every single city. In almost every a little bigger city they have one bit older ambulance which operates on First Response calls trought VirVe network. The cars are named always with old fashioned formula of the based on "Risti" and then old phone area code of current area. For example in Jämsä the car is called "Risti 413" and in Jyväskylä it is "Risti 412". Images found on google and fireimages quite easily if needed. Also Red Cross people have their own a slight different uniforms. Just if you are interested on working with this I think there is plenty of hands to give you more info. Since there is volunteer FD, maybe volunteer FR too... :)

    Any estimations or thoughts about how far is this process going right now? 80% ready? Just a ballpark so we enthusiastic fans know what to expect. Don't take any pressure. We all want this mod, even unfinished since it's spectacularry fine.

    Kepp up the good work. We all like it!

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