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met police999

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Everything posted by met police999

  1. that DPG Ferrari will be used for publicity im guessing just like the lambo they had and yea the met cover most of London and the city of London police cover the stock exchange area right in the centre
  2. Hardly offensive he's never on so there's no point he wasn't looking down on the mod in anyway
  3. Can't wait shame there won't be a CARP I like them anyways are you guys still going with the airport idea for V2? Just curious
  4. Dafuq all are real!? Good work ghost I've been following progress via Facebook so far
  5. It's hold as ghost is working on other projects
  6. Cant wait for this mod progress is moving along well keep up td good work
  7. haha nice love those movies i was lucky enough to meet Micheal Winslow once
  8. Butterwick sounds like a proper British name haha good work!
  9. Really the Impalas! thats a shame the new Boston livery would look great on the Taurus
  10. @handsup its not potentionally illegal if your caught your facing possesion of an offensive weapon
  11. Nice ill be keeping a eye on this mod this time
  12. getting closer to release then i take it? or just as close as yesterday? it looks great lovin the highway!
  13. nice! were are you getting all the names of places haha
  14. right need help here im trying to Join the Manhattan mods MP clan but the clans site is down the mods website my account hasnt been confirmed and the teamspeak server says theres an error any help?

    1. SuperStumpje


      Sounds like they've blocked any contact with the outer world. Goood luck with that!

  15. i can tell you both it will be a no Beta Testing doesn't work like that the creator/s of the mod will select testers from close friends etc (closed beta) or will release a beta of the mod to the public (open beta) asking gets you nowhere
  16. Nice! Shame it wont have working gates but thats a fair point
  17. Nae shit sherlock its hard to judge when the terrorist leave if you dont have time to raid the house and you still need to keep the roads open for emergency vehicles its hardly "excessive police procedure" yes it was a bit of shambles
  18. Nice! I cant wait to see the station fully kitted out etc
  19. i found better pics anyway http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21gTVBYFvEM
  20. Dyson you see it at the start its not a good view here and i found a picture of the station its old but the building is still the same here and the inside
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