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Posts posted by captonbob

  1. Yes but you never know how many people you will need. I remember this one call of some old lady has fallen and cant get up. They sent 1 truck, paramedics, and 1 transport and PD. WE got there shortly after fire and I kid you not this lady was the pack rat from hell. They had to call out for a light force becuase we where going to need all the help moving alll her shit out to get to her. SO i understand them over killing on help just so they dont have to send more units later

  2. I agree xplorer or if we had limited resorces like in the ny mod i have a small fire and my light force responds but it turns bad and help is more than like 5 minutes away i would have my bat. cheif respond with that for the extra help but in the LA mod we have pretty much unlimited help so its reall ynot needed

  3. I have not played the winterburg mod, but with the snow option and such does that slow down all vehicles like in real life and if so or even if not dose anyone know if the ny mod will suport that. I know if its raining or snowing it would be cool to have bad visability and longer responce times and slower movement.

  4. I would like to get some on line playing going on. I dont curently have a mic, but i will be getting one soon and I kinda wana know what everyone is running on like the normal LA mod or sub mods or what. You can pm me back or reply here, but im avalibale pretty much any time so let me know and i can NOT host.

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