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Posts posted by ChristianKline

  1. Okay. I made a new map for a clan that i am in. I have Followed all of the tutorials and modding guides and i cant figure out why it still crashes. Ive searched the forums, and still no luck.

    For creating our own texture maps use image editing software of your choice.

    In order to import this texture into the editor you have to watch the following


    The size of the texture must be a multiply of 512 pixel in width and height

    The texture must be stored as a 24 bit TGA file

    The texture can’t be larger than 8192 x 9192 pixel

    scale: 1 meter is equal to 12,5 Pixel. According to this the maximum width or

    height can be 655,36m.

    Your own created terrain texture can be imported by entering the „Edit / Terrain“-

    Mode (function key F2):

    choose „Floor“ -> „Import texture“

    right: choose the directory, in which you stored your TGA-Texture

    left: select your TGA-file, i.e. „example.tga“

    click „OK“ (as shown in pic. 3.1.2a)

    I know this stuff, and it still dont work.

    I used GIMP 2 to make my file.

    Its saved as a TGA.

    It is 8192 x 8192 pixels

    If anyone can help me out, It would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I currently have my model of my Rescue Engine done and complete. It is in the .v3o Format.

    I have seen through the folders that it needs to be a .V3O file with capital letter to get it into the editor.

    Im pretty sure once i get it into the editor and then use the .dds converter i can make it a Paint file to start Skinning.

    I just cant get it into the game/editor. If anyone can understand what im talking about id appreciate it. ALOT

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