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Everything posted by bazz

  1. wow tim you can come out with some amazing stuff lol
  2. I have stoped work on portsmouth mod because i lost some data,. Sorry you don't like my models I just wanna make a mod where i live anyway i started a fire station here is a pic...
  3. Hi I'm starting a Mod about my hope town (Southend) I need help so if any of you can help like: Modeler Skinner ect..... Here the fan banner for the mod hope you like [URL=http://www.mybannermaker.com][img=http://i.imgur.com/fiocF.gif][/URL] I done a ford focus here is what i done so far i have not added light bar yet....
  4. Hi all I'm working on this mod again this is what i just done it's a range rover
  5. Hi guys The Northern Ireland Mod team would like to wish you all a very Happy new year So we going to show you one of our post yards it's not much and lots more needs to be done,Hope you like. 2010:Will come full of surprises...
  6. Just start the Police Mobile Office hope you like (olny one side is done) EDIT:got the skin wrong so i'm redoing it
  7. Thanks for good feedback PS:I made two new banners ask me if you want code
  8. If U would give me pic's it would
  9. Update Welcombe abord the local tour bus Next stop the beach
  10. Update First look at the Prision van hope you like...
  11. Little update,few more things need to be done...hope you like
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