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Status Updates posted by Quincy

  1. Doing practice asvab questions.

  2. 2012 is on its way!

  3. Watching my brothers be in the haunted happenings parade.

  4. Watching the lion king with my family.

  5. Dads raging about battlefield 3 because its harder to play than call of duty

  6. Watching FF Jim Rice's Funeral Procession.

  7. Is it bad that when my dad tells me he saw a huge military cargo jet do the fly-over for the Pats that i both knew what base it was out of and what type of plane it was, without even seeing a picture of the plane?

  8. Last night blew, i feel like someone is stabbing me in the stomach.

  9. If you can't get someone out of your head, then maybe they are meant to be there.

  10. I want a Honey Badger as a pet. Where do i find one? And can one be tamed?

  11. List of things i need to learn.1. 3d-modeling 2. C++ scripting3. Better texturing.

  12. I think my rifle is permanently frozen after the 5 Co2 cylinders i were testing each unexpectedly expelled its contents everywhere when i put them in the rifle.

  13. Valentine's day is coming! post this as your status and see what numbers people inbox you1 - Second chance

  14. Newest member of the PT Team.

  15. All nice and shaved for tomorrow.

  16. I hope this horrible feeling will go away soon...

  17. That basketball game was great!

  18. Updating the website.

  19. BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I

  20. External hard drive :D

  21. I love my family. Merry Christmas to everyone!

  22. 100 on my ROTC mid-term :D

  23. Just in! Formatting your computers C drive will fix all of your computers errors!

  24. Playing Minecraft with Kenny Wheeler and Bo Bedrosian. IP is if you would like to join.

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