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Posts posted by starzfan31

  1. BTW, on win vista 64 bit, it doesnt install it into a "game directory" file. So sorry to shatter your obvious lack of knowledge of the OS I am using. Ban me, do whatever you feel you need to do as the advice I have gotten off of this site has been utterly useless, as it has been for many other users, judging by the posts Ive read.

    To those of you who arent rude and who actually try to be helpful, I say have a Happy Easter. :loldev:

  2. How bout you check your attitude at the door, you're on your own now you want to be a smartass fix it yourself GAME DIRECTORY is pretty easy to figure out... I mean where you installed the stupid game to? Make sense now.... Learn to check your attitude when you ASK for help or don't ASK at all... Get the point?

    Check your attitude, asshole. I didnt give attitude, and no, that file does NOT exist on my version of the game. And you learn to check your attitude or dont bother to respond to those asking for help. Jackass. Im a former police officer, so dont act like some high and mighty dickwad because you are a mod or whatever on this pissy site. Thus, to you sir, I say, blow it out your ass. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. that doesnt work either. computer says the editor does not exist. wth. are there like a hundred different versions of this game floating around? everything folks tell me to do or find either doesnt exist or doesnt work. like the modinstaller. no matter how many times i download and install the game, it still always says it is corrupt. this is totally redic. ugggggggggggggggggggg

  4. why would the mod run for 99 of 100 downlaods and be corrupt?

    Seems quite logic...

    Instead of blaming mod makers you should start blaming Atari... I'll get into checking this since i more then suspect that it has EXACTLY the same issue as the download version of Emergency 3 had


    - Download

    - Extract to anywhere

    - Double click the e4mod file

    - Installing...

    - Done

    - Load the game

    - Click mods

    - Select the mod

    - Load

    Nothing more, nothing less

    Sadly, clicking the Emod file doesnt do a damn thing. Lol. Windows only pops up a message saying it doesnt recognize that type of file. Im not stupid. Ive used computers since the home computer was invented. Ive tried every logical path to installing this item, however, with the mod installer always saying it is corrupt, it simply will not install. As I stated, the LA mod worked fine as after extraction, it was an exe file, however, the NY mod is not an exe file, thus, clicking on it does nothing. Js.

  5. Check bold statements in your quote=)

    The problem is that unfortunately there appears to be a corruption in your game installation, if it was a digital download apparently some of the sites that do the digital install do not correctly setup the registry for the game, I believe someone in tech support successfully resolved this issue in the past, I am unsure how to do this myself as there are EM4/EM4 Deluxe and 911:FR versions of the game, so there is not a singular answer for what you must edit/add to your registry files in order for the mod installer to correctly work. The LA mod uses a custom-installer to install it's self, this mod uses the game's default mod package installer which ships with the game to install it's self.. Unfortunately for some people who've seemed to have had problems with their mod installer not working it unfortunately requires a Registry Entry Edit to resolve it. I've never had this problem so I am not sure exactly what the registry code entries have to be to fix your game's installation.

    Likewise (not implying you) people who've just copied the game from other's computers or downloaded the game will probrably have problems installing it because they never properly installed the game.

    Downloaded it from Atari......... so I highly doubt there is a corruption. They know how the game is supposed to work, afterall, they make it. You all are the ones making the modifications. oh well.

  6. Clearing internet download cache erased the rar file form your computer's memory. Cache is supposed to work to save recently used objects so it'll load faster next time you try to open it. By erasing the cache, it will erase the rar file, so you can redownload a fresh copy and try installing again with the mod installer. Remember, download, save the file and install. And no it's nothing something on our end, since people have download it and they were able to play it.

    Download, extract and use the Modinstaller found in the main directory of the game to install it.

    1. Right now, they function mostly as regular personnel, since they'd have to get adjustments to a whole lotta stuff to be able to dually function as firefighters, plus it makes the game too easy if everyone does everything.

    2. If we make it so the REP does patrol it'll be against a regular patrol path, and will have a special area of the map to patrl, that would fit in with logical paths for it's purpose

    You do realize the helo does stop the car right?

    Right place, however I do beleive that the Heavy rescue does have the equipment, if it doesn't that's something we missed and had intended to do

    Love all the advice, but you are still failing to tell me how to install it sicne the mod installer , every time it is opened, says that the game was not installed properly and to try reinstalling the game. As I stated, the LA mod worked fine as it was an app and went about the install process on its own. unzipping the ny mod folder gives you two items, the read me file and a mod file. placing the mod file into the mods file of the game doesnt work, it doenst recognize it. trying to use the mod installer simply doesnt work because it does what ive stated above. Im not the only one having this issue, just read the topics here. how about making a install walk thru since you all seem to know how to do this. thanks.

  7. I figured out my problem with the mod not installing. The problem was the modinstaller couldn't figure out where to put it so it just said it was corrupt. The problem was it wanted to install it to sixteen tons\emergency 4\ mod but after emergency 4 i had 911 fr folder so i had to put all the things in the 911 fr folder where the 911 fr folder icon was then delete the 911 fr folder and then it worked. So originally it looked like Sixteen Tons Entertainment\ Emergency 4\ 911 First Responders\ Mods and after it looked like Sixteen Tons Entertainment\

    Emergency 4\ Mods.

    What ya just said confused the hell out of me.. LOL

  8. The LA mod 2.0 came as an application as an exe file. so it installed fine. the la mod 2.5 and the ny mod are not exe files and will not install once you unzip them. they are mod files and windows does not recognize them nor cant it open them. so ya, im lost as to how you can install either.

  9. I deleted my cache and still get mod package corrupted message. I will try on another computer shortly though. Could it have anything to do with the fact that I have 911 first responders and not em4, also I bought it off of amazo digitally, if that helps.

    Ya, I honestly dont see how clearing your internet cache has anything to do with not being able to install the mod. The mod doesnt come with an installer, and if you try to use the one included with the game, it will not run. I had zero problem installing the LA mod so it has to have something to do with the ny mod itself, not our computers.

  10. Ok so I unzipped the file and I got a pdf file and a .em4mod, so how do i install it. I put it in the modinstaller and it says the mod package is corrupt. Am i doing something wrong?

    It does the same for me.. so ya. not so certain how to install it.

  11. I am new at this, so i must ask. once downloaded, how does one install it? using the mod installer it always tells me that the program wasnt installed correctly and i cant find any of the patches, ie 1.3 in english to patch my game with.

  12. I play the open play, not the missions, and within about 15 min of playing, every road on my map is totally packed with cars sitting and goin no where. Its like they all freeze and none of my emergency vehicles can get anywhere. there are no traffic signal issues that ive been alerted to nor are emergency vehicles blocking any of the roads. I dont get it. I tried to find patch 1.3 in english so i may install the la mod 2.5, but every patch i find is in french or dutch. where on earth can i get the patch in english???

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