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Posts posted by riekelt

  1. Considering the new Lua Scripting language this would be easy to implement, you'd simply need to create a house, name the object whatever you'd like, find out the function to hide a game object, and simply hide the interior underneath the gameobject, make the door interactable, so when you interact with it the script fires, hides the gameobject and kablam, interior.


    When i find out the function names i'll make a tutorial on it.

  2. Educated guess: give it somewhere between 8 months and a year, i.e. 6-8 months for Rockstar to announce and release a PC version, and a few weeks/months before modders start working on GTA 5 and someone finds a way to convert the LCPD:FR scripts to 5, assuming it's relatively easy to port it.

    It's easy as soon as someone makes a scripthook that supports te same scripts, although some weapons may need to be changed and other stuff that is in GTA 4 and not in GTA 5

  3. I would actualy like to see a lot of simulator aside of all the emergency stuff.

    Like that you would actualy affect the city while in freeplay, for example, if there will be a lot of traffic accidents at one spot, i would like to have the ability to setup some traffic checks, and a patrol scheme, and the ability to hire multiple people.

    It would be cool if there where underground pipes that could for example explode. (for example the NYC Steam pipe explosion).

    And fully enterable buildings, and climable stairs.

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