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Everything posted by LT.SacFD

  1. Amazing!!!! Looking forward to playing this mod!
  2. Just installed my new ATI Radeon HD 5970 Graphics card!!!! it runs great with EM4

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LT.SacFD


      It was about $189 USD.

    3. hetsar
    4. bmxchamp4


      woot woot!!!! lol... i have an nVidia GeForce 9600 GT... 1GB of video RAM completely reserved for games... it's beatiful *tear* LOL ya i run 911 FR on full specs and it runs GREAT!.. but pretty much EVERY game i get i run at full specs and they run great.. i love this comp haha.. lemme kno if u ever wanna play some multiplayer with the LA mod

  3. My emergency 4 crashed!!!! NOOOO

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      So did my espresso machine this morning. You know they put computers in EVERYTHING nowadays? Anyway, off to Starbucks now.


    2. LT.SacFD
  4. Watching 102 Minutes that changed the world

  5. Loving it! Can't wait 'till release!!!
  6. Yes. That was a horrific accident. 50 homes were destroyed and 130 were damaged. Amazing what a gas leak can do to a simple suburb.
  7. lol. Thingy that sticks out.!!! My thingy that sticks out is being used for a VERY good reason. lol
  8. Welcome to the Forums!!!

  9. Agreed.

    1. Shadylasse


      lol you directly went towards what Stan said earlier. "This is for updating your status, not chatting or flaming". pfft.

  10. Yes! I can't wait to play this map. Been a while since a new map update has been added to the forums.
  11. Wrong section? Moderator please move to Emergency 4 section...
  12. Cant wait for Emergency 2012

  13. Great job. Those units look like the LA Mod units. Will this be a submod?
  14. welll there are 56 fire stations in Sacramento so if he wants it to be as realistic as possible, seven is appropiate.
  15. we actually have a new model ambulance: green ladder truck. fire ladder police lightbar whelen lightbar
  16. i live in good ol' sacramento. it looks pretty good. i could help if you wanted. i know everything about sacramento ems services. we even have more unmarked vehicles than new york.
  17. hello and welcome to the forums, BTW i'm from Sacramento, CA.
  18. hello its been awhile since ive posted on the forum but i perfer water because it is more healtheir, i like coca cola but water is good for our bodies
  19. yes i live in sacramento and no i havent' been to.... Benicia you say?
  20. okay.............. i didn't know and u dont have to go kung foo choppy on me
  21. ok, i am a little confused here.is the new version of the lamod ever going to come out?? i mean come one, it's been like 3 months now and it usually takes hoppah 1-2 months to complete a version. any answers would be greatly approved Regards, Antonio(aka) real name john
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