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Posts posted by joeyf327

  1. you uploaded something that means nothing to me. You uploaded a bogus piece of paper with words written in marker, funny thing is that paper was not here in 1935. Not sure about the marker but don't care about it either. Its mine. All mine and those that matter know it.

  2. Its okay I have a recording from the 40's with the claim and no country claimed that territory then or now. And that paper says todays date in which you can't claim it after 1961 while the ATS is in force. Funny isn't it?

  3. No documentation whatsoever? Well then...


    Wait, I just remembered. My great grandfather claimed that land in 1935, who passed it on to his son who passed it on to me, there's even documentation on it! Crazy coincidence, guess it's mine now. I updated the document to my name and wrote in todays date to prove it's legit.


    My land now, sorry. Here's the document to prove it:



    Funny, But not enough to make me laugh. 

  4. Its alright you can say anything you want. The claim came from my Great Grandfather in 1936, who in turn passed away and gave the claim to his son who passed away and handed it down to me. Is there any documentation? No why would there be? Look at the native american's that have been here before America was America do they all have documentation from back then no. Its a family thing. So don't ask for documentation, even though it would help I don't have it. And the whole peter griffin thing would never happen. Every piece of land inside the lower 48, puerto rico, Alaska, and Hawaii and whatever else is all apart of the USA there is no house in the US that wouldn't be a apart of the US. And my claim is valid, I already spoke with an International Law Firm near my house. 

  5. I guess you can say that. i claim physical land but don't physically live there as it is in antarctica. But I have a feeling we will be there sooner or later. Nevertheless we're allowed to function as a government.

  6. Hey Dyson as I said before awesome game! However I got an incident when a person trying to commit suicide however he was in the water and I wasn't able to get to him. And the time between incidents is long. I have to fast fast forward it and still have to wait at least a minute or two. I would mention the PD station and the hospital. But I am pretty sure someone already posted that. But that is why this an alpha version. Just saying. Thanks!

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