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Posts posted by NitroPT

  1. Hi all im portuguese and im working in a PTmod for emergecy4 im working with srMorte and we need to know if is someone interested to help us....

    If you are interested or you have some material add emergency4PT@hotmail.com to talk about that in msn...

    We know about some people with some material so come on we can do this....


  2. 5 estrelas consegue por isto para download?

    Há uma equipe que esta a criar um mod portugues se puder dar.lhe uma maozinha.:D emergency.pt.vu

    5 stars can I download it?

    There is a team creating portuguese mod if someone wants to help.emergency.pt.vu

    sorry my bad english


    Adiciona-me pois acho k posso ajudar luismiguelrcc@hotmail.com

    Add me cause i think i can help in some questions emergency4PTmod@hotmail.com or luismiguelrcc@hotmail.com

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