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Posts posted by Ramphex

  1. We have no problem beating the picketing or whatever it's called when there is a guy with a sign. The problem is the one when everyone is fist pumping and throwing molotovs. Then there is no guy with a sign. We tried sealing off perimeter with national guard and blasting everyone inside and taking them out with an MCU, we tried flashing them and arresting, tried just fighting them, tried lots of stuff but every single time once we clean up the bodies and start packing our units all the people that start coming in the area start this crap up again, don't know if its a glitch but wow it's a real pain in the ass.

  2. So me and my buddy constantly play the game but then regardless if it's Endless Game or Challenge mode whenever a riot starts it always ruins everything. Usually I bring in two trucks full of national guard guys and two swat trucks to halt people and some police cars to redirect traffic while he brings MCU and takes care of the patients. Well after cleaning up all patients and packing up all of the guys... people start to riot again in the same spot. We have played so many times and lost the game so many times multiplayer because of riots. Is there a trick to this? Is there a way to disable riots all together for multiplayer? Makes me not want to play the game ever again...

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