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Everything posted by Xandarb

  1. Xandarb

    Portugal 112

    Let me be a smartguy here for a minute. I believe he is trying to say: Administrator (or moderator) of this forum, please close this topic.
  2. Xandarb

    Portugal 112

    I suppose you are Fireangel. Good luck getting fans for your mod... You really don't behave maturely, all you do is hate (at least when you write so that I understand what you are trying to say). Cheers and good luck! Xandarb
  3. Okay. So, if I've understood correctly, the satellite unit is in real life a special engine with a huge water-cannon. In-game, is it more powerful than the normal engines? What are the other differences between this and the normal engines?
  4. I remember once in a forum where I couldn't write that "I am a noob in these kind of things". When I then read my post it had been changed to "I am a inexperienced player in these kind of things". Turned out that calling yourself (or others) noob wasn't allowed, so the system changed it to inexperienced player. Better to be careful with words like dumb and noob! It could hurt someones feelings! XD
  5. Great! That means that you're almost done! Congratulations guys! I look forward to play your mod. Are you talking about an open or closed beta?
  6. This is sexy. You can't say anything else. At least it's extremely cool! This is used when the ice can't carry snowmobiles but is thick enough to make it impossible to go by boat.
  7. Xandarb


    Let me help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=france+domain
  8. Same here in Finland. So I didn't vote at all, since I don't know the other ones. But my vote for fast-food has to be Subway (not on the list though). It's perfect! It's not burgers, I know, but it's simply the best fast-food ever!
  9. The last picture is epic! Really cool! Do you happen know it's purpose? I like the Mitsubishi Evo cop car too! Gorgeous!
  10. Okay. So, have you edited the modinfo file? You can't have two identical ones, so you'll have to edit one of them.
  11. First of all, double (and triple) posting isn't allowed. Secondly, I am looking at the log-file right now, have patience . Thirdly, Why would you copy the files from LAmod? Did you just copy all the folder-content or?
  12. We'll need more information. What is your mod? Have you messed around with the map, models, scripts or only the skins? Oh, and a logfile might help!
  13. You do realize that you replied to a (almost) one year old topic?
  14. Wow! I've seen the map but this street-view is new and it's amazing! Really great work by the guys who made it. It looks great!
  15. Thank you guys. I didn't want to use ridiculous amounts of money (I don't know what I was thinking earlier ), so I bought a package with: Asus P8Z68-V PRO Intel Z68 Nvidia GeForce GTX560 AMP Intel Core i7 2600 3.4 GHz 250GB ssd harddrive <3 Windows7 Home 62bit 1333Mhz 8Gb ram This was right under 1000€ (special discount), and it's definitely a better prize-performance ratio than that (ridicolously overpriced) alienware.
  16. Em4 is an old game, doesn't need a good computer. And those specs are okay. If you compare to an elephant. Anyhow, I'd say it will work without any problems. Graphic settings: I'd start with the highest graphic settings (like quality, shadows and such) and then go down from there whenever it freezes or kills the fps. (you WILL have to go down, but it's easier to start from good settings and go down, than to start from bad and go up) Resolution: I'd start with the resolution being like 1024*768. Go down from that if you need to.
  17. You can, in editor, change a objects material from for example tree to concrete and this will make the fire spread more slowly.
  18. More traffic means traffic jams as we've seen in Lamod. Which are terrible for gameplay. Also the emergency vehicles make unrealistic and extremely bad looking turns when overtaking traffic.
  19. Xandarb

    Andalucia Mod

    Same here. This is usually because of music in background which isn't paid for (buying the cd doesn't give you the right to put the music in a video. You will need to buy a license). In some countries, such as USA, they can in some cases pay for these songs by having advertisements. This doesn't work in the rest of the world though, so the owner of the video will have to buy a license or disable the sounds. A license for one song is about 2.00$.
  20. @Hazmat 18 That is perfect! Great job! Really! I love the flood-lights on the roof and the wheels look really great! Best... Comment... Ever!!!
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