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Posts posted by tomburton

  1. hi,

    i havnt posted on this forum in quite a while, but have kept an eye open.

    i absoloutely love the idea of having a mountain rescue team, i work for kent search and rescue and we do similar work to the mountain rescue so this has made me very excited!

    im really looking forward to this, keep up the good work!

  2. got to love angry Brits pissed off cause they ran out of crumpets

    yeah i know, when i run out of crumpets i just get so angry, but then i go and see the queen, and she calms me down.

    that's why you should always have a backlog of crumpets.

    got to love being british.

    apart from the casual racism and stereotyping, i think you guys have come down a little hard on this guy, if everyone reacts like that, no one would bother making mods and you'd be stuck playing standard EM4 *shivers*

    anyway, peace out. Tom.

  3. Sometimes I wish I could just close this topic because I can't understand a word of all the gibberish that is being spoken here.

    Seriously, it makes it much harder to deal with something as complex as alleged model theft.

    ^ Same, i really wish i knew what was going on :huh:

  4. I know darn well I've invited pressure doing such a popular city,

    im completely for this mod, i love it, and i dont agree with the people saying about the updates and losing faith, because im not. the longer i wait i know the better its going to be, but however im going to have to disagree with what you've said, i think you've invited a huge amount of pressure by saying it was going to be released by christmas, then by new year, then a few weeks later, it's been nearly 3 months since then. i have no idea why you would even consider it being released by then, i know you can't forsee any problems you have, but the simple rule of making a release date is to accomodate the factors that there will be problems, where no matter what you're making, be it designing a car or a game, there WILL always be problems, you should especially know dyson as you've already released mods, you have experience.

    don't take it the wrong way, i love what youre doing and im not saying i could do it, im not talented enough. i agree with certain points of both sides of the arguments.

    good luck with the mod, i will be overlooking every day as i have been for nearly 5 months, and can't wait for the release (even though i hide it better than some *cough* dominik *cough*)

    Cheers, good luck to all of the team,


  5. @MrMitch i think you can play on it, but you have to buy the mac version of the game, might take a little while to get used to it though.

    very impressed with the progress guys, i've checked on the mod almost every day since last november, must say i love the trailer. well done.

  6. i just did a search in freeplay parametres and freeplay endless fies, and couldn't find anything, if you want less events, you could also try and edit <AverageFrequency value = "1.0" /> in each event paragraph, and make the "1.0" lower, because it makes the average number of that type of event lower for every 10 minutes that you play the game. and if you want more events, make it higher.

    if you still have no luck, i can send you an attatchment of my specs folder, but you'd need to tell me what events you want to play with, and the ones you dont want, and what event you want to play most etc.

    cheers, Tom.

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  7. i think to answer question one, go into Specs/fp_freeplay_endless and change the "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "60.0" />" to a high value, to make mine more realistic so i can return everything to HQ without there being another event, i changed mine too "<MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "160.0" />",

    as for question 2, go into specs/fp_freeplay_endless once again, and find the following paragraph, which is under the <events> line,

    and it should look like this

    <!-- JH -->


    <Enabled value = "1" />

    <!-- AverageFrequency: average number of events per 10 minutes (gets multiplied by timezone parameter "flash/frequenceyfactor") -->

    <AverageFrequency value = "90.0" />

    <!-- DamageRadius: in meter -->

    <DamageRadius value = "25.0" />

    <Worth value = "10.0" />

    <SearchDamageRounds value = "100" />

    <SupervisorStart value = "ID_SUPERV_EVENT36" />

    <SupervisorFinish value = "" />


    but if it doesnt, the thing you will probably need to cahnge is the <enabled value ="0" /> to <Enabled value = "1" />

    hope this helps, Tom.

    just read over what you wanted for question 1, as you didnt specify, if you want more events, then lower the value and that should work.

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