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Posts posted by cville73fd

  1. you shoudnt have to run anything to remove your files. thats just my thought. i dont like to clutter everything. but i was able to fix it before your post. so its all good. but ill keep that in the back of my mind for 10-43

  2. EM4 la mod 2.0 i have tiller in as vo_ladder & ladder as vo_hazmat. and i changed differenct script files to compensate. but i didnt bother with the BC calling the units i dont ever use that. but it would seem like you can look at the file for battalion chief calling and look at the ones for obj_engine02 and the vo_engine02 and vo_engine05 they are the same obj_being called from 2 different stations and 2 different vo's

  3. ok so to go from 2.0 to 2.0.2 do i need to do 2.0.1? just wondering. and just to confirm 2.0.2 is latest for EM4 correct? additional i saw on post a ref to 2.0.3 i dont know if it was for EM3 it didnt state, and no one replying said anything about it not being out yet blah blah blah. lemme know just for my 10-43

  4. sorry i was researching everything i needed to put tiller in fs1 and ladder in fs2, and to make sure they always went back to same stations. but i wanted to ask is there even a VO_tiller. VO's are created in the edior. not in script files. so the VO's or truck position in stations is VO_LADDER & VO_HAZMAT, right? so maybe you are thinking OBJ_tiller? i didnt read all the script because i dont understand it all, but that stuck out to me.

  5. ok guys so it took me 3 days to correct. and a lot of frustration. so i edited the map oringally for 2.0 in the editor. and saved it all jacked up on accident. so i uninstalled the mod and reinstalled. no help it lept loading the same map. well i unistalled the mod & game and reinstalled both. same effect. then i downloaded the mod again and tried to uninstall the fresh copy. nothing.

    so heres what i did recently and it worked! i uninstalled everything, then went and deleted scrap files from previous mods i have all throughout my computer i was messing around with. i realized the date was wrong reset to 2002! and it was reset before i messed up the map and saved it. then reinstalled everything to c:\wizardwork, instead of c:\programfiles\wizard works.

    so any thoughts to the situation, what was going wrong and what went right? just for future ref.

  6. ok so ive been uninstalling all of 911 FR and 2.0.2 mod. and when i go to the mod editor my stupid mistake i made to the map is still there. what am i doing wrong? last time i unintalled i forgot to remove the la mod shortcut, but that really doesnt make to much sense to be the problem. this time i deleted the actual mod folder before i uninstalled. any thoughts?

    ive been at this all day even when the mod folder shows no new modified files affter reinstall. it still loads the same map i messed up. wtf. seriously do i have to reformat pc, cause thats not an option right now.

  7. ok so i wanna put the EMS capt on a rig when i sound alarm. im using la mod 2.0 any ideas on how to do this. ive been trying and couldnt figure it out. just so yall know i want to put him at station 2. so i guess the second question id have to post is how do i add him to the control console outside.

  8. ok so ive been out of the EM4 loop for awhile pc trouble. and i just now got it running again, but i cant find 2.0 to download. when i go to the downloads tab, and select la mod 2.0 it says that it cannot download because download button is gone. ive been scanning forums to try to catch up to see if its moved, but i cant find anything. please help if you can.

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