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L.C. Long

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About L.C. Long

  • Birthday 09/29/1996

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  • Location
    Southend, EX
  • Interests
    St. John Ambulance; SOS Bus; Law enforcement; Walking; Running; Emergency services; First Aid; USA/ NZ/ AUS/ CAN, where I will live when I am older (one of them!).

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  1. What has happend to Megaupload ? ? ?

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Guy named Megaracer (Best dude on COD MW3) got arrested for the site which sold free torrented MW3 games on Megaupload. This is illegal so the FBI shut it down.

    2. cops


      I learend something today :) Thanks to Unit 42 :)

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Learn something knew everyday :D!

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