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L.C. Long

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About L.C. Long

  • Birthday 09/29/1996

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  • Location
    Southend, EX
  • Interests
    St. John Ambulance; SOS Bus; Law enforcement; Walking; Running; Emergency services; First Aid; USA/ NZ/ AUS/ CAN, where I will live when I am older (one of them!).

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  1. Can you please relpy with some Business ideas that I could do. From home and sutible for a 15 year old. Thanks.

    1. Sgt Alex4028

      Sgt Alex4028

      I used to run a few of my own businesses when I was 13... thats why I won my award :) I done Gardening, and a Animal Rescue Team. Its difficult now, because of the season.. Maybe Web Design, or some sort of design company. Have a look at something I was going to start www.etlcs.webs.com

    2. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      If you're willing to go outside sometimes, I once had a pretty successful gig where I'd dress up as famous people and impersonate them in embarrassing situations while in public. We're talking about over $2000 a gig here. Line up two of them in a day and there's $4000 in your pockets by sundown.

    3. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      In your case I'd suggest getting one of them Justin Bieber wigs. I bet a lot of people would like to have footage of "him" kicking a hobo in the nuts or licking another man's ear in a porno theater.

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