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great guy

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Posts posted by great guy

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, if you are trying to download l.a.mod 2.5 for emergency 4/ 911 first responders its not going to work because it is meant for Emergency 3, but look up l.a mod 2.0 and that version is for Emergency 4/ 911 first responders

  2. Either a Video card issue or you tried to modify the modification and screwed up somewhere... The mod won't simply stop working one day to the next unless you have hardware issues or have tampered with it.

    No i didnt try to tamper with the mod and i also re-downloaded the files too

  3. HELP! my ny city download was working perfectly for about a week, then i load it up and respond to the first call and when they got out of the ambulance the medics were a Greyish blueish whiteish color same thing with the firefighters, a yellowish blackish color. please help Btw great mod!!

  4. Do you mean a fog of war idea where you can't see what's going on on the map unless you have units their? Or do you mean like a dispatch screen?

    I mean, you dont know whats happening on the scene until units have arrived on the scene, for example you never know how bad a fire is until you are on the scene.

  5. hm, decided to show you a screen of the GUI... its a screenshot took in the first tutorial stage (date of screenshot: 10/22/2010).


    as shown above it was a while ago we took this screen, the time brought changes... e.g. after we decided to make the chauffeur and the captain as single "actors" the talkie is just in the bar of the cpt. or the SCBA status is displayed in PSI now.

    but you are going to see the current status on screens coming with the media package, may this screenshot smooth some ruffled feelings.

    So im assuming that the 10-codes will be in the radio option, right?

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