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Posts posted by Michster

  1. Yeah, everything works fine 'till I want to play.


    !Precaching prototypes
    ?Cannot add default animation set to Paramedic Team: incompatible bone structure?
    ?Cannot add default animation set to Paramedic with Injured: incompatible bone structure?
    Destroy XGUI...
    Destroy Audio...
    Destroy GameFramework...
    Destroy GFX...
    !WARNING: Detached camera from entity since the entity gets deleted

    Destroy Vision...
    Destroy Input...
    Destroy Scriptscheduler...
    Destroy Timer...
    Destroy Screen...
    Destroy UpdateChain...
    Destroy Console...
    Destroy Filesystem...

  2. Hello guys, i have a problem with creating a polish language pack for RTS Mod. There are few modicated files, working just fine and one which doesn't want to work. (_RTSlatradiocall9ready instead of call, RTEQMenuReturn instead of "back" etc.)


    And files:

    http://pastebin.com/qSjGSC3X -- modded file

    http://pastebin.com/4hzb8BXf -- original file

    It would be really cool if somebody help me, I spend a lot of time doing this pack ;)

  3. Hello guys

    ;) I'm trying to make a polish language pack for this mod, because me and my friends like this mod so much. Here's my results.


    As you can see- some translations work but there are few bugs I just can't solve (_RTStatRadioCall9Ready, equipment names) could anybody help me? I think I just edit something wrong ;)

    Here's hints.xml file (pastebin)


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