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Status Updates posted by TacticalRooster22

  1. Just had some steak for dinner! It was like $30!

  2. Cool, where'd you find it?

  3. We're versing the best soccer team in our league today. I hope we win and I'm gonna play with a positive attitude. This girl is my class said that she would come , put my number on her cheek, and cross it out.

  4. There's a crazy shooter kinda by my area. Check the "Post your Recent Calls" topic for more info.

  5. I have the strange urge to play Emergency 3...

  6. NO! A great website that I use for inspiration has just been shut down! AHH!

  7. Oh man, that sucks. We don't have homicides here. I just got back from an awesome party!

  8. We're in semi-finals for soccer today. I hope we win!

  9. Good costume! We lost our game! No championship for us. :(

  10. We had an Egg Drop contest today in science and I was one of the winners!

  11. Yeah, LOL. We lost our basketball game today. :(

  12. You know what's really fun is LA MOD 2.0 with the original map. It's a fun change.

  13. Yeah, do you know if EM2012 will be a download or CD-ROM here in teh US?

  14. Man, it's getting cold over here. There were some snow flurries outside a little while ago.

  15. just got a case for his new iPod Touch!

  16. Wow it's been a long time since I posted one of these!

  17. Sixx AM just released a new album!

  18. Haven't been here in awhile...

  19. Check out my roleplay at mcesrpg.forumotion.com. You can be a firefighter, police officer, anything! Or check out ERT, PM me if you wanna join either one.

  20. That's from St. Lego FD. I'm recieving one soon! He built it in like an hour. It's in my picture.

  21. I'm the same TacticalRooster22, my account just got deleted like a lot of yours.

  22. Getting hit hard with this snow...almost 10 inches already in these few days and it's still coming down hard.

  23. Stupid computer virus had to wipe my hard drive :/ Now I gotta reinstall everything...

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