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Posts posted by fdnyportu

  1. What?

    The psp?

    Bem já vi que não és muito perito em policia e bombeiros..

    Sim a sprinter que aí tens, é um veículo que pertence à PSP e usada pelo Grupo de Intervenção.

    Well I see that you aren't a knower of polie and emergency services

    Yes the sprinter that you have, is a vehicle of the PSP and use by the intervention group of police

  2. I've a 2 INEM ambulance's

    was soon put new vehicles ;)

    Boa. Eu acho que o teu VUCI não está muito arredondado é a cor e isso :dry: .. porque não tentas fazer VUCI em Iveco Magirus?

    GOOD. But your VUCI is not perfect in colour and material....

  3. I was speaking to FDNYportu, he said he had to go for a while (this was quite some time ago) but he said he would be back, I don't know what's up or whatever but I think he'll continue progress eventually.


    As I said to a lot of people, "I will come back" and i'm back... I have see that a lot of new mods appear, and a good mod is on... Manhattan mod.. is awesome.... Good job...

    Now I will see the rest of them...


  4. I like your job. I have try a lot of months ago to do a protuguese mod, but my team let me down.. And in 2010 i have star a new York mod, but with the school i have to make a break.... Now i have time and i have some thinks that you may be like.... INEM...VUCI's, VSAT's e VLCI's...


  5. Hey what are you talking about? The cab is the only thing that is not mine i modelled the ladder from scratch! Dyson told me to use the current cab model and model the ladder behind it so i dont know if the cab is your model but the ladder is mine dude

    Yes the cab is mine. Don't worry, i don't want to take down your work, but i think that i have the right to have my name mentioned....

    Kind regards.

  6. Well All as we promised as soon as Dyson got 100 subscribers we would release some progress pictures. You will find them below. For the past week or so me and Dyson have been working Day/Night to get Engine7/10 and Ladder 1 modelled and textured and what we have so far has seemed to impress everyone (the 4 people who have seen it) tremendously. Now I was impressed how quick Dyson got his subscribers and it motivated me to ask yall to subscribe to my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/rafaelmfernandezable?feature=mhee I have a couple of videos of our work but will be posting several more as the days pass. So If you want to be the first to see them nd if you want to be cool ...... Subscribe ;). Well as we promised here you go. Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Engine 7/10 and Ladder 1 ("a work in "Progress") :) Check out the WTC Mod for a new pic



    Hy everybody, i recoming to the forum. I was off a long time because i have a lot of problems..... :(

    And I love this submod, but i am not happy to see my base model of ladder and no mention to my creation.....Sorry if i am wrong, but i thinks that i have right of some explications....... I not happy and i wait for a comunication of the mod leader....

    And if I don't have an explication i have to comunicate the situation to webmaster or moderator

    Kind regards







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