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Posts posted by smudge58

  1. Bit of a carrot attitude innit. Ego will always remain prevalent regardless. Maybe you don't agree with the rules that have been around since the modding scene for EM4 started. But to other's it's a simple rule we understand and utilise. Clearly it's caused issues, which can be reflected upon and simply now just move on. As TACR stated, maybe an apology is simply needed. However, your intentions isn't to do such thing. Damage is done, maybe it's just time to leave the modding community. As a consumer of mod's and also developing PRIVATE mod due to such issues like this. It does tarnish the modding community. Catch 22 as opinions will always conflict. 


    Overall, my last question to this thread before I leave. If it took so long to make this mod and this is your final mod, why didn't you go through the effort of purely making it your own. In the sense of assets with permission and development done by yourself, instead of basically ripping London Mod? Just seems like a huge waste of time, when you know the rules... So you almost expected it to be removed. Since you already knew the rules and regulations of this community. Please don't take that question the wrong way. But it does put even V1 into legitimacy doubt. 


  2. Ouch, 

    2 minutes ago, e34p said:

    Kent Mod other than different looking vehicles?

    Isn't V2 of this mod just 99% London mod? (Oh can't forget that it was without permission)

    Don't get me wrong, KentMod has improved from first version... Where as your's has basically gone down imo. But that's just my opinion.

    Hell, tbh, Sussex mod (who got shut down for exact same reasons as what seen today) was far better then this shambles. Which again is my opinion. You come back after 6 years, release what is basically a Sub-Mod to London mod, without permission and is a total shambles. Then start basically claiming it to be yours. Then wonder why people are kicking up a fuss. Think! it just makes you look like a muppet almost. Granted you will have some that may enjoy your mod that had the chance to download it. But still, permissions is everything. Which to be a reputable member of this community, you need to understand. 

    Overall, just a massive ego thing innit? 

  3. Oh well, MY OPINION is the community fall's down from re-distribution without perms. This is KNOWN to kill EM4. Many mod developer's have gone because of this. Simple fact's, simple outline. 


    Hell, all it needs is a meaningful apology, move on and poof situation gone (Until another incident crops up) All of this is opinion based observation. Whether insults or whatever has been thrown into the air. There is simple procedure's in-place. 


    You keep saying about other UK mods being non-existent, do you forget about KentMod? You know, one of the largest UK mod's in CURRENT time. 

  4. Aye no face no case.. oh wait. Hit and run and the damage is done. 


    You quote "using their work as a a compliment" - To this, a very large element of this community, is getting permission to re-distribute assets. Well unless you been living under a rock, that's the way it always has been. 

    You also comment about other decent mods... Since when was your ripped london mod a decent mod.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, e34p said:

    This will be the last mod I release. 

    You quote this will be your last mod. If this is your mod anyway.... Ultimately, there was so much more potential with this mod. Rural elements and much more was a USP (Unique Selling Point) for V1. If you want the party of it being your last mod etc, Surly putting in that extra effort to make it unique and your own would have been a more viable option. 

    I would like to point out, that quite often, this happens in ALL gaming/modding communities. However, each new case of this muppet based behavior happen, it just add's to the fire. If you kept with key USP's and elements that we all enjoyed regarding V1. May it have been better. All it involved is a simple apology for basically using assets that you didn't have perms to do so. If this is your last mod, maybe it's a hit and run situation. Release the mod and run to do other things other then EM4. 

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