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Everything posted by carli96

  1. You can use https://emergency.kn-solutions.de/ instead. But it is only the documentation about the API
  2. The usage of all models is complet free. Do what you want, reskin them or change it in a 3d-program.
  3. Ok, it's only a misstake in the discription. If you open the project.json-file, you will see the number 0.0.8. we're sorry. Next time we will fix this "bug"
  4. The latest version is 0.0.8, you can download the mod here
  5. Today we uploaded the latest version 0.0.8 Because of less time we weren't able to develope a lot of new things, but we tried hard to implement some interesting stuff. We hope you enjoy the new patch we're looking forward to you comments. To see all new development immediately, subscribe our facebook-page
  6. Ok, can you send us the logfile from the crash? Maybe we can find the reason for the btd
  7. Did you know that the new patch brings our great units to the german cities?
  8. Hey itchboy, you're right. We try to make a mix of some american cities. The vehicle's skins based in the FDNY design, the map tries to show Boston. We don't want to make a 1:1 rebuild of the Boston, but we orient ourself at this city a little bit. But all of you can bring ideas to us, like a new vehicle design, new vehicle types, New gameplay-machanics or some whishes for the map. KillerConsti wants to know, which gameplay-functions out of his MiniMod, you want to see in New Creek. To be actual all the time, join us on FaceBook and like our page. https://www.facebook.com/NCModification/
  9. As we promised we replaced the reskined version of our paramedics through a completly new model. in the background you can see a little bit of the new map with our ambulance. As you can see, the stretcher doesn't need to be handled by two paramedics any more. Please tell is your thougths to our progress.
  10. Hey guys, Yes, there will be a new update soon, more exact: now changelog 0.0.7: fixed: latest Minimod Plugin version added: Gameplugin Settings.txt edited for New Creek added: patrol cars can be placed axactly by new command added: new icons added: AMS-Logic by TH3LASTLINE (patrol cars and engines can be used as first-responder) added: three new houses in american style added: four new character models (SWAT, policeman, firefighter, firefighter with mask added: new patrol car added: new civil vehicles (four versions of perterbilt-trucks, chevrolet savana, ford mustang, typical schoolbus; models by RD_Saarland) added: Police-Station on map We say welcome to KillerConsti. He is our new team-member and he supports us in all parts of the Em5-Modding. With him, we won a very capable and universel modder. Like every time, we invite you to send us your ideas and wishes for our mod. We have many ideas for a new gameplay, but we try to finish the new map, so we will give you more information if the time is come.
  11. Hey, thanks for your replies. The latest version is uploaded, we missed to change the 0.0.4 to 0.0.5 we like it you enjoy our mod. Last time we skiped some updates. The reason ist, that we are working on models, which aren't imported to Emergency. So you have to wait a little bit, but there will be newer versions in the next time
  12. Hey guys, today you can download the version 0.0.5 of the New Creek modification. The achievements won't be so much for you, but for us, the achieved a lot. Our new team member Enterprise E (emergency-forum) developed a new map concept, because we saw, that all the skyscaper don't look very nice in Emergency 5. So we found another model for our map, for which we had to build new streets, new crossing and a lot of new map-objects. This was a very time-intensiv procedure, so the map is far away from beeing finisched Furthermore I was able to finished the watertank-logic as you may know. I deleted all old files and started completely new and now the system works fine with no known bugs. To test the whole system costed plenty of time so I wasn't able to make progress at another part of the mod. But we wanted to release a new version today to show you, that we are working at the modification any more an the project is not dead. We hope you enjoy the mod and we hope you tell us all your minds to New Creek
  13. Version 1.2


    This mod is compatible with the original game and adds a watertank to the tlf-unit. Furthermore this mod adds a water-switch logic for firefighters, who are connected to a vehicle. Water supply lines can be build up from vehicle to hydrant or from vehicle to vehicle. You can use and change this mod how you want.
  14. Hi there, we have to bring you a bad message. We're not able to upload a new version of our project today. Because of many changes in the concept of the map, we have to skip to today's patch. But be anxious to the next patch.
  15. here, the link the download hasn't been confirmed by a moderator. I think tomorrow you can download the file
  16. The new version is online. You should delete all mod files befor installing the mod completely new. changelog version 0.0.4: new cpc-unit first verison of watertank-logic. The connection to a hydrant is possible, but the disconnection doesn't work, so a locked the the command to connect to hydrants. When your fireman is equipted with a fire hose and is not connected you can click on a vehicle an the person will be connected to this entity.
  17. Tomorrow evening (Germany) I will upload the complete mod folder. So there will be no problems with the installation, hopefully
  18. hi tacomanjuan, nice to hear that you like your mod. We know that you can only use the original towtruck instead of our new model. Our model does not have a crane so we need to write a new towtruck-logic. But to this point the focus was not an programming a new logic. A little view for tomorrow: In version 0.0.4 you can use a new vehicle. The CPC-Unit (Chemical Protective Clothing). With this vehicle you can dress a firefighter with a hazmat-suit. Momentary there are no chemical emergencies, but in future there will be some. Hopefully in the version 0.0.5 you will also be able to call a decon-unit Furthermore we build a watertank-logic, so every vehicle with a watertank has a limited watertank but you can fill up the tank with an fixed hydrant. If you are interessted in that watertank-logic for the original game, I can implement the logic to the normal game. But for that, we need your feedback for some bugfixes.
  19. Did you have a look in the AppData-folder? type %appdata% in the path-textbox in your Windows-Explorer. Go to promotion software->emergency 5->mods then try it again. We are working at a new script for an easier way to install updates. Maybe the next patches can be installed inGame. We will see if our tests will be successfull
  20. What means "it hasn't out it in"? Maybe you need Administrator rights to make changes in your Mod folder
  21. It's sunday morning in germany and we released the patch 0.0.3 We weren't able to release the patch in the desired scale, because of our private life. But we have some new things to release in the next patch hopefully. In the next few weeks there will be some innovations relating to the map. We have a new team member and he will help us to build up the map. We have some new ideas, not for the next patch, but you will see what time will bring. Download link in the first post
  22. Your prictues look very interessting. But I don't really understand what you want to show in the first image. The mesh glitch looks very nice But I can't reproduce it. Can you show me your logfile after playing the New Creek mod? Maybe, a reinstalling of the map can help
  23. I'm happy that you like our mod. I can't confirm that the sirens are played globally but we will try to find a solution in the next patch. You can mark in the opend .zip-file all folders and the project.json and move them in the modification-folder by drag-and-drop. We're trying to find a smoother way to update the mod. We can't promise it for the next patch, but maybe we managed it.
  24. I think the download has to be confirmed by an admin. You have to wait a little bit.
  25. Today is the second sunday after the release, so we released the first patch. You can download version 0.0.2 in the first post. changelog 0.0.2 new sirens for the fire department, ems and police department new crossings and streets added modified existing crossings new animation for equipment door of engine more traffic lights added reduction of car- and person amount first test-vehicle to order already existing units (second engine in order-menu) You have to unpack the modification and drag als files and folders to your mod files. The link could be: F:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\Emergency 2017\data\new_creek We hope you enjoy playing version 0.0.2. Please tell us your wishes
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